Yet Another Mainstream Media Polemic on the Diabetes Epidemic

USA today ran a story today (Monday, May 5) concerning the diabetes epidemic among the young. It's the same old same old: the growth rates of both T1 and T2 are through the roof, and obesity causes T2.

Too bad it doesn't cause T1, also; how convenient that would be for all the soi-disant "experts".

See the USA Today story here.

And how nice of them to incorrectly assume that even though progress is made on treating T1 that complications are so much easier to avoid. Both types have it pretty rough.

"Doctors have made major progress in treating type 1 diabetes and preventing complications, Ludwig says. But children who develop type 2 diabetes face serious risks, which are compounded by the fact that most are already obese."

I understand that they're talking about the double-whammy of weight and diabetes that kids (and adults) have to deal with. But it's an article that addresses both types. But to the non-informed reader, it sounds like the T1s just have to take their shots and don't have to worry about complications. A sigh on behalf of all of us…