Has anyone experienced having a 24 hour collection sample out of range for microalbumin then return to normal range on the next collection without medication?
Thanks in advance for any sharing.
Has anyone experienced having a 24 hour collection sample out of range for microalbumin then return to normal range on the next collection without medication?
Thanks in advance for any sharing.
The 24 hour urine micoalbumin sample isnt as sensitive as a spot urine microalbumin/creatinine ratio, but i imagine its just as susceptible to the effects of exercise, for example. From what i understand you have to show two consecutive abnormal tests to be diagnosed with microalbuminuria, so i imagine its mot unheard of.
I have failed the test on a Monday after a weekend of extreme activity and possible dehydration. A new test 1 month later was normal. My doctor said this was common with active individuals.
These were 24 hiur urine samples JohnG, not spot urine samples?
So if I understand correctly, a 24 hour collection is more accurate than a spot sample?
Thanks again for thread responses!
Yeah, should be anwyay. Unless you badly contaminate your sample, or somehow fail to collect a significant amount of urine that you normally would have produced in a day, you will be collecting every milligram of microalbumin lost by your kidneys over a 24 hour period.
The amount of microalbumin lost in urine, however, is not uniform from spot sample to spot sample. So, you can not reliably use the amount of microalbumin lost in a single sample to tell you much of anything.
A spot sample uses the microalbumin/creatinine ratio, which should be stable from sample to sample, instead. Since the amount of microalbumin lost is still sensitive to things like dehydration and exercise, independent of the amount of creatinine lost however, the results from a spot urine sample are also very sensitive to conditions up to 24-48 hours before the sample is taken.
I have failed this test before too, likely because of exercising a lot the day before and being dehydrated. I took it again 4 weeks later and it was fine.
Thanks and I like your forum name :).