59 mg/dl after pizza?

When eating pizza I usually do a dual wave bolus. The carbohydrate absorbtion is usually delayed because of high fat content. Those carbs do eventially metabolize… and when they do, high blood sugars can become an issue. If your pump has the option of a dual wave bolus, I would recommend trying it. Take the first 40% of your bolus immediately, then spread the remainder out over the next 1.5 hours. That usually works for me.

Alright folks, here’s the result from last night’s pizza binge

This is my sensor data, i stuck the two days together.

I took a major overdose for the pizza, intending to split it up into an extended bolus, but I accidentally took it all at once. It looks like what happened is that I had the pizza then started dropping. at that first drop I ate about 65 extra carbs, then came up to 130, and dropped AGAIN, then I had another 15 grams and started rising, and rising, and rising, so at 2am I took a correction bolus and another 6 units extended over 6 hours. It looks like I did good on the 6 hour decision but I should have upped that dose because of how High i was riding for that period.

What I learned? Take LESS at the initial dose, take an extended bolus for 8 hours (my initial 4 plus the extended 4) of much more than 6 units.

What do you guys think?
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