670G and Dexcom

Well, yes, but the problem is that you have to click your way down through a bunch (six? seven?) of items before you can click on it, and including those clicks I counted ten in all to activate the suspend, vs 4 for the Paradigm. I did a series of posts about my 670G experience starting back in 2017 when there weren’t so many people on it yet, starting with my hopeful beginnings, growing experience, and eventual throwing in the towel. The relevant bit:

It literally takes 10 clicks (including opening the screen and scrolling) to get to the authorization screen, and after clicking that many times the default option is to cancel out of the operation.
Mothballing my 670G

I’ve got a pretty complete rundown at that link, including the thing about the alert sound that makes you time-out of the bolus process if you’re not paying attention. But the short version is that after about a month after giving up on auto and using the pump in manual mode I was sitting in the bathroom cussing about being timed out of a bolus (again!!!) when it finally occurred to me that my old pump, which I still had, didn’t do any of these irksome things, and asked myself what benefits the new pump was giving me that compensated for the extra aggravation. After running through all the factors, taking into consideration that I was thinking of going back to Dexcom as well, the answer was bupkis.

Which is not to criticize anyone else’s likes or dislikes—obviously the 670 IS a good fit for a lot of people. It just wasn’t for me. Fortunately I still had other options.