Only the first few minutes. I accept that it’s conceited of me, but I don’t believe an intro to keto video is going to offer any insights I didn’t uncover myself in my thesis research. It was obviously not directed at diabetics, they stated it was about fat loss and curing hunger/cravings. They lost me there, because keto is WIDELY criticized for not being a safe way to do that, backed by years of my own clinical research. And honestly, I’m not interested in their credentials, either. They fall into the subset I specifically excluded when I said :
Most definitely not. I know full well that there is a vast difference between ketosis and ketoacidosis. My concern is that I think you, and potentially other diabetics following keto, misunderstand how easily it is to fall off that slippery slope. Ketosis is a symptom of metabolic distress. There are many potential causes of ketosis, besides diet. It takes sustained distress to induce ketosis (approx three days by diet alone, but could be much faster/slower by other factors. Can happen really quickly for diabetics), think of that as like a degree of protective resistance and safety barrier. That “safe” level of low ketosis has you living on the wrong side of that barrier. My concern is for all the unforseen circumstances that also induce ketosis, and from which you no longer have that safety barrier to protect you from. While I fully acknowledge that it would be difficult to produce too many ketones by diet choice alone (though not impossible for the determined over-achievers), the progression into full blown ketoacidosis can happen frighteningly fast in the presence of OTHER metabolic distressed. As diabetics, we’re particularly prone/susceptible to metabolic distress.
Am I crazy, or weren’t you hospitalized yourself in recent months with Ketoacidosis? I’m pretty sure I remember reading that, regarding a loop and/or pump glitch. I would definitely consider you a model for a good diabetic. I know I’ve drooled over your flat CGM graphs. I have to question what part the low-level ketosis played in that. (I’m really hoping it was you, and not one of the other loopers, or I look like a total heel
I’ll defer to you on that it’s working for you. We always say around here to do whatever works for you. I can’t help but feel afraid for you, though, because I read some nievety in your words Ketosis is most definitely not safe. It’s only “natural” in extreme circumstances to prevent death. It’s a last resort, not clean energy.
A simple Google search will provide a sea of articles showing that ketones can damage your heart, kidneys, and brain. A ketogenic diet has it’s own pitfalls. When you sacrifice balance, you need to lean heavier on fat and protein. Cardiologists cry over high fat diets, nephrologists cry over high protein diets. One can only eat so many leafy greens. From my experience, keto people also love their artificial sweeteners which are just plain scary in their own right.
My food philosophy is simple, eat FOOD, and all things in balance. If it had to be synthesized in a lab, it’s not food and shouldn’t be put in your face. It’s the moderation part most people struggle with. Carbs aren’t bad, they’re not the enemy… they’re just cheap, shelf stable, over-abundant, and decadent. They’re too easy to over-indulge in. We’re omnivores. We evolved to eat a balance of carbs, protein, and fat from a variety of sources. I just don’t abide by any extremes in diet, unless something necessitates it.
For the record, I’m proud of my numbers, too. It may not be perfect and my lines are rolly-polly, but my A1c is 5.8, and most days are 98% in range. I’ve only had a few elusive 100% TIR days, because even touching a toe to 70mg/dl and the data changes to 98%/0%/1%, I guess 1% is a sacrifice to the data gods.
I hope you know I don’t mean any of this as an attack. I know there’s value in the peace of finding something that works for you. Like I said, keto just really scares me.