A Covid Christmas Dream
In my dream it is Christmas and the virus still rages
It’s the most subdued Christmas season we’ve seen in ages
We would love to see our family and hold them in our arms
We forgo these precious moments so not to spread virus harms
But Christmas is about love that cannot be denied
With all that has happened the love and magic has survived
That night as I slept my mind did take flight
A vision so crystal clear did come to me that night
My dream began tortured, Santa’s not coming this year
He fears his journey will spread virus far and near
Then Santa appeared and put my mind at ease
He said I am made of magic, not subject to mere mortal disease.
I am made of the love of those that truly believe in good
That I cannot harm needs to be understood.
I said, “Thank You Dear Santa, for setting my mind right.”
He said, “No problem my child,” as he faded into the night,
Merry Christmas to you and a peaceful goodnight.