A.....delecate question

Jigga,Great to hear that things are working out for you..I admire that you are doing what you need to do, in a difficult situation, to keep yourself and your famiy together and healthy. Your wife is so caring., What a sweetie!!

God bless,

Happy Father's Day Jigga !

Pumps can be sold to a private party, if the pump is refurbished by the manufacturer and sold with a doctors prescription. As I understand it, the manufacturer buys it back from you, refurbishes it and then sells it as refurbished.

Something to look into.


Hey Shawnmarie,

I faxed in the info the day it became open to order them and I've not heard from Tandem. They aren't shipping the pumps until early to mid August, but two weeks and no word from them has me worried. I got a voice mail from them that said they were going to check with my insurance two weeks ago and haven't heard anything. Being that any update I've gotten has come from my inquires, I'm not impressed to say the least.


Thanks! I will for sure look into this.

E-Bay and other sites do not allow Insulin Pumps to be sold because they are regulated by the FDA and users need a Rx.

I did find a professional site that does sell all kinds of medical equipment legally,

Medwow , they have secure buying and selling like E-Bay, very professional.

Hi Jessica,

I found some pumps on Medwow very secure and professional site.

I know pumping is not for everyone, all those cartridges and lines and infusion sets can be difficult to wear.

Happy Father's Day! Keep your chin up and just realize that you are only a human like the rest of us. Today was the superbowl and I wish I could say I was perfect when it comes to my diet but I wasn't. Typically Sundays are my problem days to begin with so the game only heightened it. Tomorrow should be interesting as I will get my 2nd A1C since I started pumping.

Whatever you do...don't give up! The pump will ultimately give you better control than MDI and those kids need you! Good luck!
