First (you know its bad when there's a pretext) I want to say I am NOT trying to sell my pump here. Am not!
But, I've found that it's just not for me. Being I'm still young with the disease, I'm forming far too many poor habits regarding eating. It's time for me to go off the pump for a while, get back to eating right and healthy, then maybe in a year or so get a pump again.
I am wondering, is there a place that I can sell my pump? I am not trying to sell it via here, but just want to know if others have had success selling elsewhere? Ebay doesn't allow it. I've not checked Amazon.
A pump is a prescription device so I'm pretty sure you can't sell it legally anywhere. If you're just planning on taking a break from it why not put it back in the box until you decide to go back.
If you bought it with insurance, you'd be committing insurance fraud if you sold it. If you bought it OOP, I suggest contacting the manufacturer and seeing if they'll give you any refund for returning it and the warranty.
I agree with still_young_ at_ heart: Put the pump it in the box,do not sell it. If you haven't done so already,read Pumping Insulin by John Walsh, or Think like a pancreas by Gary Schieiner.. I read your profle and your previous discussion threads. You obviously know how to perform the basics and have had excellent control on MDI. Yet, You STILL have to be your own science experiment and it WILL take time to psychologically adjust to the pump freedoms as well as the restrictions..
I went from 35 yras on MDI to a pumo 8 years ago. The learning curve was long and I did have higher blood sugars for the first few weeks on the pump, but I kept plugging away and they came down. Do I still want to indulge in foods and behaviors that would put me out of range? Of course I do. It is part of being diabetic and part of being human..
But KEEP your pump. Learn as much as you can on your own about your own diabetes. I love my pump and truly enjoy the freedom I have with it. I bear with the restrictions of 1)having to make sure that set is always functioning and 2) tesing whether the dual wave or square wave or normal dosing will rock that macroni and cheese I eat at family gatherings. And yes,yes more food equals more insulin equals more weight.I almost always gain 4-8 pounds when I go home to Ga to see my famly: Southern cooking is my downfall.But I keep my sugars in range , even when I am there by exercising and dosing poperly.. I just gain weight becuase I am eating more food.. Next time I go home, I will eat less and dose more. It will be a bit hard to find the plain greek yogurt I eat for breakfast in my teeny town, and many times I will not share in the family meal , but I know what I need to do.:Take in less calories.
And you know what you need to do , too. I bet your wife is not into your selling your pump. Take Care. Nothing in life is certain except change, taxes, and the love of God..
correction : of the 43 years with type one I just did Multiole Daily Injections ( mDI) for about 7 -8 years I was a one shot a day person for a very long time, unitil 1995, I think . I far prefer the pump to pulling out a needle every time I ate.. never got into the pens. Old school syringe and vial girlie, I was .
I feared ignorant responses like this. Please understand ignorance isn't a bad thing, it means you don't know. Sadly in this situation, you don't know what your talking about.
I was diagnosed in October 2011. Up until January of 2012 I was VERY responsible for what I was eating. Why? because I had to THINK about everything I put in my mouth. Why? simple; it involved a needle going into my body. Now that I have the pump, I can go back to eating how I ate before I got t1, just the minor inconvenience of using the terrible remote. No needle just a poorly displayed remote? Sure, I can do that. Being newly diagnosed, it is difficult for me to be out with friends or even watching tv with the fam for family date night and hearing and seeing them eat chips and knowing that I can't have any. Far more easy to pump it up and grab a handfull vs having to go downstairs, grab a needle and shoot myself.
So please don't judge me, you don't know me or my situation and the judgement of you, reflects on you not me.
My wife is TOTALLY against my getting rid of the pump but understands where I come from. I've been under a huge amount of stress since being dx and oddly enough, since my dx, I've turned to food. Previously, I ate once a day (former religious habit)but since my dx, I crave sweets more than I ever have in my life. I think that once I get out of where I am now, it may be different. That and the T:Slim is coming out. That may make me go back to pumps, but for the time being, its not for me. I think I might just put it on a shelf and get back into my good habits then try it. I was telling another member of the board that I'm almost 40. I've been a t1 for 7 months. I have more time doing what I want, vs not so it's difficult for me. Need the needle pokes to get me back on track!
Thanks and I'll for sure check out those books. The pump helps me resume life as it was before the dx. I don't want that.
Hi. the pump didn’t work rt for me either. I went back to the shots. I feel way more in control this way. I wld get lazy and not test…just type in the carbs of what I was eating n then come up high. now I test all the time on injections. save the pump tho…u nvr know down the rd u cld wanna go back. also there are pumps in the works tht will test ur bg for u. u may b able to donate ur pump back to the company u got it…but I doubt u cld sell it. hey google it…lol u nvr know craigslist ppl sell pretty much evthing.
I guess thats the good (?) thing about diabetes. Insulin is insulin whether is from a shot or a pump, as long as you are taking it, do what fits you. There is no rule saying you have to stick to one plan. Change it up if you need and if down the road you feel like going back to a pump the do that too. Best of luck to you
I don't think there's anything wrong with going back to shots if you think that may work best for you. Managing diabetes is so much more than just getting the insulin into our bodies. We're also dealing with emotions and relationships and professional lives. Those of us diagnosed as adults may also go through a period of mourning our lives as we used to know them. That's what I sense from what you've written, jigga, and I went through the same thing.
I was diagnosed at 27 so still younger than you at diagnosis but I went through similar feelings. So as you're trying to adjust to your "new normal" as an adult, you're also dealing with the demands of work, family, and raising kids. It's hard to focus on what's best for you when you're being pulled in different directions.
I stayed on MDI for most of 25 years and have been on a pump for going on 3 months now. I was perfectly happy for a really long time on MDI and only went to a pump because I needed the ability to vary basal rates during the day. I think our diabetes treatment plan has to fit our current situation and that may change over the years.
I say take the time to figure out what works best for you and how best to make your D care a priority that fits into your life as it is now. Whatever you do, just keep testing and adjusting your insulin. How that insulin gets into you...not as important.
I don't think that my response was ignorant, because I'm in the same boat as you. I did MDI for over 20 years with moderate to poor control. I had some on and off success with them. When I switched to the pump, things at first got a little better and easier, then started going downhill fast, for reasons that you mentioned. There are problems with the pump. It's not for everybody, but keep in mind it's just a tool. Same with shots, you're the one that's got to make it work.
If quitting the pump will get you back to eating better. That's great and I'm happy for you. But I don't think you can take that as a given. If possible, I think the best thing is to take all the stuff you shouldn't be eating, and get that out of the house.
I know I'm being harsh, but I'm just being honest with you. Diabetes is serious business. There's no shortcuts.
I'm very sorry you felt judged, Jigga. I've had a lifetime of battle with food and so I totally understand that when something works to help you have better eating like having to take shots, you want to stay with it.
Having said that: If you liked the pump in other ways I'm hoping too that you will be able to get back to it. Once you are able to restart good eating habits on shots understand that they are totally transferrable to a pump. I am one of the loudest voices on here when people with type 1 say they can eat whatever they want and just bolus for it. The answers to that are "not really" for numerous reasons: Taking large amounts of insulin to cover large amounts of carbs can lead to both minor and major misjudgements and keep you pinging around between lows and highs. Even if you successfully bolus for the food you eat it can cause you to gain weight and to develop insulin resistance, neither of which are fun. So good habits, with or without a pump are still the best way to manage D.
Having said that, I still know how hard it is. My own personal background as I have told on here is that I recognized I was a sugar addict (for some people it is carbs of other kinds). I could no more cut back than an alcoholic can have a drink or two. Sugar and carbs are physiologically as well as psychologically addictive. For me I had to cut the sugar out completely. I haven't eaten sugar in 17 years and it's no longer tempting at all. Having said that I know you can't eliminate carbs completely and probably would feel deprived and rebel if you tried. But you can pinpoint the foods that are triggers for you and stay away from them. I agree that you should remove trouble foods from the house. Does your family love you? Do they want you to be around and healthy for many years to come? I know the answers to those questions would be yes. Can you ask them to not eat chips (if that is one of your triggers) in the house? That isn't an enormous sacrifice; they can eat them elsewhere and they can be healthy along with you! No judgement, Jigga - like everyone else I just want to help. I've been there and want to support both how hard it is, and how vital for you to get back to the healthy eating you know you can do because you did it for 3 months!
Do what works best for you, but understand that that can change. I was a die hard needler, now I use a pump. The real problem is our families. My wife just baked home made chocolate chip cookies for guests, and it is all I can do not to just grab my pump and load up. And although there is no question about her love for me and even her understanding of my dilemma, she still thought nothing of stinking up the house with fresh cookie smell and than offering me one. Now I know I could get away with one, but who can eat just one warm fresh cookie? So than I get into stacking my insulin boluses so that they lead to a low that will be treated with a handful of not quite as fresh cookies that will lead to a high that will be over treated and.... Well, you all get the idea.. at some point, it just gets easier to say no to the cookie. I'll save it for after dinner, take the little extra insulin with my meal, and have a couple cookies for dessert. Saying no builds confidence, the more times you do it the easier it becomes. I am afraid that if you use pain to deter you from eating it will lead to even more resentment, which may prevent you from using the needles. I would think that the pump would be ideal for anyone who did not like needles. I hope nothing but success for you, and as far as your pump, I think there are programs that donate medical supplies to third world countries, at least thats where my loving, cookie baking wife said she sent all my old needles.
I'm finding myself sitting here and nodding my head as I read the scenario you describe with the home-baked-cookie-induced bg roller coaster ride... you're so right, Ryan, with time it just becomes easier to say no.
And I'm sorry for being hard on you. Your situation reminds me of a lot of one of my T2 friends who is having major complications right now that I would not want to see anyone else go through.
Not that it's necessarily easier, but those of us that got it young at least had the chance to grow into our D. As adults, we get set in our ways, and defensive when someone questions our judgment or behavior, or criticizes us.
You are still pretty new to D. It is a relentless illness that is difficult to manage at any age. Like growing up, it's a learning process that involves trial and error. Just don't get reckless and make any errors now that will be too major to correct. You owe this to yourself and to those who care about you. This is all I'm saying. As a fellow T1, I wish you the absolute best of luck with everything.
Thanks to everyone for their posts. It's helped me a lot. I just wanted to give a quick update for any interested.
As I said before, my wife is totally against me getting rid of the pump. In a perfect world I could eliminate all triggers, but I have a 13, 11, 5, 2 year old girls in the house, I don't want them to be denied.
That being said, we've cut back big time on the junk that's brought into the house. When I got diagnosed, the ICU stay put a HUGE damper on my savings (27.00 for a box of Kleenex? they're 1.47 at Walmart!)so we moved back home. I was dealing with leaving everything I know and moving home as well as moving with my in-laws for a few months while we built back up our savings. My inlaws are great, but my mother in law and I clash. They don't have the D, so they eat what they want and not how I'm used to eating. I found myself going to the store getting snacks to hold me over. As a result I gained 20lbs in 5 months. Pizza Friday was the killer. Small sliced pizza that was excellent tasting = dough boy.
We've now moved out and in two weeks I've lost 10lbs as I've gone back to my 3 walks per week and walk a mile in 12 minutes flat. I still have my vices (Damn you Caribou Coffee hot chocolate!) but now I've cut back the number of times I go (went from every other day to now after I walk 3times) as well as a large 75carbs to medium 35carbs. Going to increase the number of walks next week then eventually increase the distance and keep the time the same.
As far as the pump goes, I've decided to keep it. I have a love hate relationship with the darn thing but for Fathers Day, my wife just ordered me the T:Slim which is what I've wanted since being diagnosed. She told me if I keep the pump she'll buy me T:Slim so I bit.
I'm going to take it day by day and now that I have a different doctor, she's great. Had my first appointment with an endo in six months and she kinda laid it to me. She's awesome but keeps me in check and that's what I need. Now I REALLY think about what I eat as when she looks at bg and pump numbers, she grills me on what and why if it's not a regular eating time. I hate being accountable but I look forward to it as every visit it gets better.
I gained weight when I started pumping too. I think it was from better control and the calories that I used to pee into the toilet were being diverted to my belly. Our Metabolism slows down at 40 too. You got a double whammy.
Insulin makes us hungry. The more we take the more hungry we get. It is an odd situation. It is almost like a practical joke.
I generally lose some weight when my clothes are too tight :)
Lucky for me I don't really struggle with it too much.