A Diabetes Comic Strip

For my Diabetes Blog Week post today I got a little creative and drew a Diabetes Comic Strip.

Check it out here.

It’s called INSULIN MAN!


LOL – I love the Bolus Blaster! Insulin Man rules!

Love it Mike! Go Insulin Man!!

It’s great!

That was pretty dang clever, Mike! Where did you pick up that particular talent? I’ve long admired cartoonists for their ability to make a ‘real’ story out of dreamed up, hand-made sketches… and then to make it amusing as well. Ya dun gud.



I don’t know why, but for quite some time I’ve liked the idea of drawing pictures over photos…maybe I watched ROGER RABBIT too many times as a child.

A few years ago I wrote a series of limericks (like this one) that are also photos with drawings over them.

I used to know Mimi! Only back then she did a lot of screamin’.
Excuse my blonde-ness but how do you ‘draw pictures over photos’ and have them come out that clear 'n cool?

Basically I use Photoshop. I find the photograph (or take the photograph) and then I draw the picture and scan it in. And then I just lay the drawing over the photo.

There are a few more steps (like cleaning and coloring) that take a bit longer…but this is the basics.