A first for me

Dropped my meter (Next One) into the toilet. Got it out (a bit yuck but not the worst yuck if you know what I mean) within 10 seconds, rinsed it off and it had a reading but it was way low. Hit it with compressed air from my shop air, for a while. Tested it again and it still works. QUESTION: has anyone dropped their Next One into water and had it work ok for the next few months? I called Ascencia (sp?) and they documented what happened. At this time, since it is working, they declined to replace the meter now but promised they will if it fails in the future. I’m fine with that as I have backups.

FYI: The “first” I am referring to is a first time of dropping any electronics including a bg meter that is something I’ve used since the mid 1990’s. It could have been worse–like dropping my cell into the toilet, or my pump. I have no backups for either of them. :slight_smile:

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I have one that never gets used. I like the color screen of the contour next link better. It’s yours if you want it


Thanks, but I’ve got a couple of them but don’t use them except to send my MM pump data to my PC for carelink reports. But thanks for the offer! I know I’ve got no less than 5 meters that use the Next strips. they were cheap enough that even a tightwad such as myself bought several of them, and then I got some meters included with my MM pump and the Dexcom system.

I was referring to the contour next. I don’t use it except for the first test when I got it.


ah, I understand now. But thanks, I’ve got a backup one if the one that got wet fails. and my wife uses the same brand so if worse comes to worse…

Cool. It’s collecting dust here if you ever need it. I do like the feature they added to those meters that shuts it off when the strip is removed.

I started using the Next One long before I knew it had the feature to illuminate the strip. I thought the lights were just to indicate bg levels until someone on this forum clued me in that if you hit the button 2X before testing it will light up for placing the blood on the strip. Guess I skimmed the manual a bit too casually. :slight_smile:

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You and me both. I don’t use a Medtronic pump anymore, but still use the link meters. I’ve grown accustomed to having to charge it every 3 months which is better than having to go out and get a battery.

I thought I lost My Contour Next meter but it fell out of the car un-noticed and landed in a puddle in the garage about 1 year ago. So I decided to go to the pharmacy and pick up a new one. It had landed under the front wheel and when I backed out of the garage drove over it. Amazingly it looked OK so I tried it but so many of the Pixels were dead, could not read the BG number so no idea if it was still delivering accurate information.

A replacement for under $20 was really a quick fix on a Sunday afternoon.

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Yes, better than the $100 or so that Lifescan used to charge for the top of the line which I have. Forgot the name of it! the one with the graph.

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And Contour One Next uses a smaller drop of blood, as well as faster and more accurate result.

and the One Touch UltraSmart was the one I was referring to.

No, I am very careful with all my devices around the toilet bowl, most never go in the bathroom etc. unless around my waist, pump and dex. The worst was when I wore my pump and dex into a friend’s pool, I forgot they were on.

Dex was ruined, pump was ok. Dex was replaced quickly with ins.

The kitchen/ sinks and outside faucets etc are problematic as well, I have my devices in cases so it is mostly ok, dex behind a vinyl cover. But I am still cautious. My meters are never near water. I have several meter stations away from these areas, one by bedside.

A friend revived a phone dropped in tb by packaging in rice, and I have revived washed usb cards by drying out.

I really don’t want to be retrieving things out of the tb :scream_cat::exploding_head:

Call the company, bet they would send you a new one free. Nancy50

Find the correct phone number for customer service, get through to customer service, have them take down all your information, hope they send you the right product, deal with their customer satisfaction surveys, be placed on their email list(s), be bombarded with subsequent marketing emails ad nauseum. Is that “Free” really worth saving the $7.98 cost including shipping a 1 click 15 second order would take to place on Amazon?


They have sent me free meters before. Nancy50

I don’t think you read my first post correctly, nancy.

What is important to remember is that no product is ever ultimately free as it does not take a genius to figure out that a company that gives away their merchandise, will not stay in business very long. Someone always ends up paying for it one way or the other and that somebody always ends up being the consumer. The company that offers a free meter, for example, knows full well that only their branded test strips will work with their meter so they work the real price of the “free meter” into their test strip sales. Your test strips are free? That means that your insurance company is paying for the test strips and has worked the average cost of strips into their premiums. One way or the other, someone always pays and that someone is always the consumer. “Free” is ultimately the most expensive word in the English language, starting with Free Shipping.

Someone very dear to me has a favorite expression that is she never ceases to be amazed how stupid and gullible extremely smart people can at times be.

Its the same as “give away the razor and charge an arm and a leg for the blades”.

I apologize for my rant but a couple of decades ago my company was losing sales to a competitor who had knocked off some of our products. We are a small global manufacturer with about 6.2 million customers worldwide. Our average product was selling for $120 + $18 shipping and handling. Our competitor sold the knock offs of much lower quality for $150 with Free Shipping. Our customers were telling us that they preferred to buy the knock offs from our competitor because 1) They offered Free Shipping and 2) Their price was higher and since you get what you pay for their product had to be better (Not true). We reacted and felt very badly but raised our average price to $154 and our sales and profits went through the roof. From then on we priced our products on what the market would bear rather than our costs. This made customers happier although they have been paying much higher prices than they should and has given us much higher profit margins we reinvest into new projects.