A Helpful Book

My grandson developed Type 1 at 7- years old, and my daughter has written a book about how she has kept his A1C under 7.0 for the past two years. It is called “The Challenge of Childhood Diabetes: Family Strategies for Raising a Healthy Child,” and is now being given out to the family of every newly diagnosed child by hospitals in San Francisco, LA, and at Mass General in Boston. Laura deals not only with tackling diet and exercise as a family, but about the emotional pressures that result in almost one-third of parents actually experiencing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Her book starts at the day of diagnosis and covers the first three years and their various crises in great detail. Her website is and many of her columns about changes she has made, written for Diabetes Health Magazine, are there.
This book challenges many of the suggestions her doctors made, which were not working for her son, and we have received hundreds of letters saying how much difference this book made in families’ lives. Here’s just one example: “Your book is incredibly touching. I cried on the page where you offer the book as an invitation to other families. I missed my stop on the subway because I was so engrossed. My son was diagnosed almost 3 years ago and I am still amazed by how raw and frazzled I am; I am never far from complete panic or tears. I think we’ve struggled through the last 3 years trying to make it all fit into our pre-diabetes and really pre-baby life. I am just now coming to the realization that we need to make some huge fundamental changes. Your book gave me comfort in not feeling alone. . . Sorry for the gush; I’m sure you get emails like this often.” Take a look at the book. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. Linda

is this book available thru you?

I would love to see this book. Sounds like something that might be useful.

Tracy, You can order it at www.challengeofdiabetes.com. There are also lots of my daughter’s Laura’s columns from Diabetes Health Magazine and other stuff that is relevant Our e-mail address is there. Or you can call Laura at 781-631-9240 or e-mail her at lauramplunkett@challengeofdiabetes.com and she will send you a copy. Let us know if the book was helpful.

Laura used to come talk to me when she was struggling with different issues and keep from interrupting her, I began typing her words into my computer. At the end of two years, we had 200 pages and Danny’s numbers were so good, we decided to make a book of it, and then spent another year rewriting it like an adventure story. It has a lot about emotional roller coasters, keeping your marriage alive, and helping siblings cope as well.

You can order it at www.challengeofdiabetes.com. There are also lots of my daughter’s Laura’s columns from Diabetes Health Magazine and other stuff that is relevant Our e-mail address is there. Or you can call Laura at 781-631-9240 or e-mail her at lauramplunkett@challengeofdiabetes.com and she will send you a copy. Let us know if the book was helpful.