A Nauseous Low

That definitely happens to me about every 3rd low I have. Actually, it's often how I know I'm low. I'll feel nauseated before I actually feel the common low symptoms (shaky, etc.) I usually drink juice. I can usually stomach drinking, and once I start to feel better, I'll start to eat something.

i'm gonna try coke next time, how much do you guys drink, just a couple sips then wait then test? also, i was told to do glucose tabs or some fasting 'sugar' to get sugars up and THEN eat some carbs (p. butter crackers, etc..)to maintain it so I don't keep dropping. do you guys eat after a low? I'm always concerned i'm going to over correct and then spike too high.

I've had nausea, usually when the BG is dropping quickly (like if I've bolused for a meal that I've yet to eat, or I dramatically overestimated my carbs). Oddly, I get the same feeling with a rapidly rising BG. The slower changes generally don't cause that feeling for me.

I can only take a couple of swallows. If I'm dropping fast or I'm already really low, I tend to drink too much because it's just not working fast enough for me (at that time). Then I end up going high. If I can keep it to a couple swallows no matter what, I'm usually good.

My Mom (years ago, she's passed since then) was switched from NPH and Regular to Lantus and Humalog. No one taught her how to use the new insulins or how to count carbs. For years, she would take her shot of Regular a good half hour before eating. Well, she did that with her Humalog, one night, before we went out to eat (I did not know this). As we were waiting for our food, I noticed she was starting to look pretty bad - she ended up going into the bathroom and getting sick. I spent time with her, well into the night, trying to get her back on track. It was not a good night! I've gotten mildly nauseated, but have never actually gotten sick.

I've never had the problem of feeling nauseated and low at the same time.

Has anyone in this situation experimented with taking a partial dose of glucagon?

Since you're not as nearly low as someone who has passed out then maybe a 1/2 dose or less could have the intended effect without the bad glucagon side effects.


I've had a couple of these nauseous lows recently. I thought I was just going through a really weird phase. It affected me for a couple of days.

The one thing I found that seemed to help was my thinking that whatever it was I had, maybe drinking some regular WATER would help. In the end, it actually DID WORK.

Like you, I tried juice. Couldn't swallow it, it was so intense for my system I started gagging and spit almost all of it out.

(NOTE to SELF: Make sure you are close to a SINK the next time you try that, instead of making a crazy mess all over the kitchen floor! DUH...:P )

I didn't have my Brita filter cleaned out so I ended up drinking a little bottled water in moderation, and that seemed to help, even as I headed to the bathroom to retch, and I thought, for sure, start throwing up.

Nothing happened, tho, just really nauseous over a couple of evenings. I cut back on what I ate, but eventually my hunger kicked in and cleared it all up the next day.

VERY SCARY. Very glad I got past that. I hope it never happens again. :(

Hope this helps.


hahaha ok I must not be weird either, lol they ARE like giant smarties. I also like eating cherry rolaids too. LOL. Im weird I know.