Tonight after 18 years of living with diabetes I had for the first time a hypoglycaemic episode that really, really scared me.
I certainly have had some challenging situations in the past with hypoglycaemia, but none like tonight where I’ve actually felt that this could really be bad.
I’m not quite sure what the cause of it was, perhaps I never will know, I’d eaten my dinner and was getting ready for a shower and felt the classic symptoms of a hypo , so I went and checked my BGL. It was 2.8 mmol/ml. I wasn’t at this point too worried, I went and had a few teaspoons of honey, an amount which I calculated should raise me back to about 5 mmol. However, 15 minutes later, my CGM did not appear to be rising at all, in fact the CGM reading had dropped down to 2.4!
I quickly went and did another fingerstick to find my reading at 1.9, from memory the lowest I’ve ever had. I quickly devoured another three teaspoons of honey and sat eyeballing my CGM. From here my blood sugar began to rise, and was back into acceptable ranges within the next 15 minutes.
I had a year ago suspected I may have some Gastroparesis, or some other digestive issue slowing down my digestion, as I have in the past had similar delays in my BGL rising after eating, which has subsequently caused a hypo within the first 30 minutes or so after eating. It’s not a common occurrence, but one that certainly scares me.
I couldn’t shake the thought what if I can’t digest any of this glucose quickly enough for the insulin already on board.