My mil is obsessed with this. She swears she saw Wilfred Brimly advertise a meter that you just touch to your arm. That there is no blood or poke AT ALL! I may be crazy but I am pretty sure this is non existent. I mean, a BLOOD glucose monitor not needing blood? Can someone please give me a link to what she may be talking about so I can put it to rest.
She gets stuck on things like this and won’t let it go. I finally had to send her an article to tell her that I could not cure my daughter by pouring cinnamon into her.
There are several non-invasive technologies in development or medical trials that use either infrared, ultrasound or dielectric spectroscopy, but afaik none of that is available for us yet and won’t be for quite some time. Really hope they hurry up, though. They are also working on permanent monitoring via an implanted chip.
The commercial is misleading. You do not have to prick your finger to get the drop of blood, you prick yourself elsewhere. Most glucose monitors come with 2 caps, one for finger pricks and one for alternate site pricking. I have found it easier and less painful for me to do finger pricks that alternate site pricks. The meter companies actually do not make their profits off of the meters, they make it off of the test strips. That is why the meter companies give away the meters.
She may also be thinking about a CGM system. Let her know that you still need to draw blood and test with those also.
This isn’t really an answer to your question but it struck me as I was reading that it’s really kind of touching, in a weird way, how much non-diabetic people seem to want to believe that there must be a simple solution to all this. All the stupid suggestions, insensitive or misguided or misinformed comments, telling us what to do, etc. – I try to remind myself that they see us struggle, and just really wish they could make it easy for us. (Unless they really are just a pushy jerk, which is sometimes the case!)
And wouldn’t it be great if it really WAS as easy as they all think it is? I can kind of understand why people would want to believe that. It feels so much better than accepting the reality.
Anyway. I know how frustrating that can be, when people just won’t listen. But am glad your daughter has so many people in her life who care.
I understand what you are saying and I am the mom of a diabetic teen. I just sent a letter out to his teachers…explaining things and how he might have to leave to test…and go to the nurse… how he could go low and high…
One teacher answered…"I knew he had diabetes…I just didn’t realize he had it so “severe”. GRRRRR what I was describing wasn’t severe!!! IT was just the stuff you all have to live w/ on an every day…every hour basis!!! People just have no idea what you all have to go though. I don’t even know… I just help my son manage his and am his Health care partener. There are sooo many facets and variables you all deal w/every day…24/7 that most people just don’t see. There really needs to be more education on Type 1 and how it isn’t the same as Type2.
I was actually just talking to a friend who is a DSP chip programmer. He was telling me about a new startup that is implanting chips near the ear which connects wirelessly to a device that records sound for def people. It charges inductively, so once its in, its good for ages. Im thinking that a wireless implant isnt that far off for BS monitoring - maybe 5-10 years.
The freestyle is the closest to what Brimly is showing off.
I’ve seen the ad… and unfortunately, it’s just a misleading ad. What they meant was that you now have alternative site testing, which may hurt less… But there is NO non-invasive meters right now, available in the commercial market… though several are under development and testing, and it’s anybody’s guess when they could come up for sale. I’ve seen anywhere between 5-30 years, as probabilities. Tell her not to hold her breath. lol