A Rant!

Quick trip to Shoppers Drug Mart tonight to pick up my prescription - insulin
Pharmacist "Have you taken this medication before?"
Me "Yes, for years"
Him "How are your blood sugars"
Me "Fine, thank you"
Him "Do you test at least twice per day?"
Me "Yes"
Him "Because you realize it's important to test at least twice per day for good control"
Me "Yes, I test about 10 times per day"
Him "Oh. Do you know that with insulin, a common side effect is low blood sugars"
Me "Yes"
Him "So you should always keep some sugar free candies or lifesavers with you at all times in case you get low. The symptoms are shaking, sweating, fatigue, and when that happens, you should take a couple of sugar free candies. Just make sure they're sugar free"
Me "Um, OK"
Him "You should make sure you keep your blood sugars around 130/80"
Me "My blood pressure?"
Him "Yes, your blood pressure"
Me (while angrily snatching my prescription off the counter) "Yeah, thanks"

Really? OMG. Talk about health professionals misinforming!

Hey does he know that if your blood pressure gets to 190 / 20 you need to take insulin? LOL Wait wait, no you don't this is a joke for anyone who might not know.

Well, at least he's a PharmD and not MD; wonder what he tells people who pick up Rxs for Viagra or birth control...

He's probably new..lol have you seen him before? I would have been like ya the "sugar" free candies are really gonna help me if I'm low..doofus

Imagine the new diabetic who is picking up that insulin for the first time!!!

What a whack job that guy was.

Gotta love the sugar-free advice! I've never had a pharmacist ask me questions, thank goodness.

Wow that's pretty bad. I would have let him have it when he mentioned the sugar free candies.

LOL thats kinda funny...I actually had a surgeon tell me that I wasn't diabetic anymore because at the time, I was in such tight control I didn't need meds..Needless to say I called him a quack and wouldn't let him operate on me. (That was before my pancreas quit completely and wasn't on insulin)