so i was reading the paper this morning and saw the obituary for my great great aunt. nobody even told me she passed. if you read any of my other post in the discussion about knowing people that have been diabetic for a long time with no complications, you would have read that she was one of them. she was 95, diagnosed somewhere between 9-12 years old. no complications from diabetes what so ever. she had a heart attack (they think). this hit me hard. she was and still is such an inspiration to me. she would have been diagnosed with type one somewhere in the 1920’s. wow. just another thing to keep me motivated. what a strong person.
second…does anyone else stress and dread over going to the eye doctor? my yearly checkup is tomorrow (monday). i hate it. give me my family doctor or even the dentist or heck even the gyno any day over the eye doctor. even though i have no vision problems (none with my veins and i’m 20/20), i stress and worry over them possibly telling me there is a problem. i hate the eye drops, i hate the tests, i hate the costs and i hate feeling so bummed out about it.
I’m so sorry to hear about your Aunt passing away - but at the same time - am so happy to hear that she lived a long and healthy life with diabetes. Let’s hope that we all can be the same way - with the way medical research is changing how we manage our diabetes (I’ve been diabetic for 42 years since age of 6).
Yes, I HATE going to the eye doctors as well. I go every 6 months now - I used to go just once a year - but a few years ago after many years of being told I had the eyes of a baby - they noticed background retinopathy. That freaked me out - since my biggest fear has always been of losing my sight - since I’m abit of an arty farty gal and need my eyes to visualise what I design and create - as well - since discovering websites like this - yikes - would hate to lose my eyesight. The only good thing is - since going on the insulin pump - my eyesight has changed to a lower prescription for long distance viewing - which I guess is a good thing. I only wear glasses for driving now - and can actually drive without them if I want - but on my license it still states “wears glasses”.
Yes, I do recall reading about your lady . I feel sad for you .And I pray , she will be keeping you inspired to do well , regular check ups included.
What I don’t like about the eye appointment is sitting in the dark room , one eye covered , chin on a ledge , clicker in my right hand , focus in on a light, and click as I notice the light ;I know, I sometimes click erroneously ; takes about 2 minutes, feels like an eternity , then repeat other eye …I always get confused what this one is for , I think perivial vision . I even said last Tues to the tester…it is painless . …the other 3 machines NO problem . And back for follow up with Ophtamologist/eye drops and cannot see for about 2 hours …a bit exagerated …but then I remember the nice young Doc , when it was time for cataract surgery …he made it oh so painless ( anesthesiast )
Hang in there Talented Pastry Chef !!!
Big changes in blood sugar can definitely make your visiohn blurry.
“Stress” and “dread” don’t even come close for me. But, I have already had successful treatment for the big R and sure don’t want to go through it again.
First, there’s thinking about making the appointment. Ugly. Then there’s finally making the appointment and worrying more and more as the day approaches. Then there’s checking in a the clinic and sitting in the waiting room with a rock in my stomach and sweaty palms. Then there’s sitting in the exam room, waiting for your eyes to dilate. Terrifying. Then the doc comes in and maybe spending 2 minutes in dead silence looking at each eye and says “see you in a year”.
Please continue to be inspired by your great aunt! May you live as long and prosperous life as she did, if not longer!
As for the eye appointment. I hate when they blow the air in your eye. I have my yearly appointment this coming up Friday. I also hate when they dilate my eyes. They love to do it every year. I feel so helpless when they do it.
I fret the eye doctor every time. I have a suggestion that has helped me. Well two actually. I schedule my appointment before I leave the office, that way once it is over I do nto have to think of it until the day before next time. I also schedule my appointments for six months instead of a year. I know you ask why int he world would you do something every six months you dread? It makes it less scary. I know six months ago I was clear, now I figure this six months wont be so bad, even if it is bad. the eye doc constantly wants to put it on a yearly basis. I tell her no. She can test my eyes once a year, I want the reintopathy check every six months. It has helped a lot for me. good luck tomorrow.
Yes Rick - that’s the only reason I now go to the eye doctor every 6 months instead of once a year. It’s worth the $30CDN each time I go to see her. I used to gripe about paying that - but not anymore Here’s to good eyesight to everyone.
I wish I had the link still - but I had read online that going on the pump could make your eyesight worse for awhile - since your body has to become accustomed to having more stable blood sugar control - when I mentioned this to my eye doctor - she looked at me like I had a screw lose in my head (note to self - always bring tool kit to tighten knobs in neck). Anyway, after a year - I was having troubles seeing - turned out - my lenses were too strong for me. Not that the eye doctor would admit this - plus she doesn’t test my eyes - she’s just a surgeon (believe she’s called an opthomologist). I see an optometrist for testing of my eyesight - they only charge $50CDN for the test - and it’s pretty thorough - almost as good as the opthomologist!.
So sorry about your great great aunt, Amanda. It is so very hard to lose someone so special. Eye doctor…ummmmm…I am the same way hate the eye doctor! Good luck though!
My condolences. Must have been hard to have seen it in the newspaper.
I’m a nervous wreck going to any doctors. The fear of bad news has me a shaking, sweaty palmed mess. It’s not the pain, discomfort, it’s just that awful pit in the stomach feeling of learning something is wrong.
Me again : …Amanda the first part about your great Auntie is sad and also very inspiring. And then tears in my eyes because I am looking at Domo’s response , the FUN guy …only for you …: the Expert Cake Decorator .
phew…i made it through my appt with flying colors. he told me there are no signs of anything so i’m happy. i couldn’t do anything all day though because i couldn’t see anything clearly. i’m good for another year…then the worry begins again!!
hooray!! but then i got home and found out our sewer lines are collapsing because they are old and our whole sewer line needs to be replaced…and quick…ugh