A Universal Test Strip

I know we will never see it because the actual test strip is what companies actually make their living off of. But oh wouldn’t it be nice to have a Universal Test Strip! Know matter what meter you had the test strip would work!

With 3 children with type 1 we go through meters like crazy and of course i have a stash of meters that were given to us at various events etc. The kids love trying out the new meters, but they run out of test strips than i have to change the ones we are getting which takes a while to get, in the mean time they go back to using the old meter and when the new test strips arrive than we can’t find the meter they were using, ugh,

Just thought it would be awesome to have 1 universal test strip compatible to all meters on the market than people could use other meters with the ase of not having to go throught the ultimate switch of test strips.

I know its just a dream but i like it!

though it would be nice…

a universal test strip would be nice, but that assumes that we have already discovered the perfect test strip. I suppose back in the wipe and read days when I was a kid and you got an approximation of your blood sugar depending on how blue green one side was and how tan the other was was at least universal, and only needed like for seconds with a huge drop of blood. 8^)

In the meantime I think more than one meter and more than one pump are using the freestyle strips… They need practically no blood and are good with alternate site testing…

not at all perfect, but wow lots closer… 8^)


Haha. I just wish all the test strip companies had the same standard as Freestyle. I have a wealth a Onetouch strips, but hate when I’ve already given my cup of blood for the strip and I get an error because my cup of blood apparently isn’t enough–boom, strip wasted.

I am disabled, on a VERY LIMITED income, and can’t even afford to buy the medication, let alone the ridiculously expensive test strips. The industry is sucking the life out of me WORSE than the diabetes will. I’m about to just forget the whole testing and medicating thing, and just go on with my life, enjoying my meals, and ignoring the doctor’s “advice”. It’s NOT right that the industry rape the sick, kicking us when we’re already down, and CONSTANTLY kicking us EVERY TIME WE HAVE TO BUY MORE SUPPLIES, MEDICATION, AND FOOD! Bite me! I’m going out for a nice seafood dinner!

The industry would never do it, because they would then have to compete against each other based on price, and they certainly would not want to kill a cash cow.

Hi iStone,
I thought I’d share some options you may want to look into for affordable supplies:

It’s an article I wrote a while back, but it is still useful.

Take care.


To Dream the Impossible Dream!!!

Lois La Rose
Milwaukee, WI

iStone, please don’t do that to yourself like I did!! I lost a lot to diabetes because I did not take care of myself! believe me when I tell you it will cost you more in the future if you ignore your condition! I too am disabled and on a limited budget and feel like the system has let me down, then kicked me through a meat grinder twice. I above all realize just how hard it is on finances, trust me. BUT I looked a challenge right dead in the eyes and decided it wasn’t going to get the better of me, it isn’t easy by any means, I have had to swallow my pride and ask for help. yeah it sucks! but I am still here for my wife and kids when they need me, just like TuDiabetes is here for us when we need them!! Don’t let it beat ya Bro.

Yea, its an industry of its own for sure. I’m not big into “events” but thats why I am hitting the Diabetes Expo tomorrow. Its free and i just want to get a sense for what resources are available. I hit the library and got a couple books that makes it seem possible to “beat diabetes before it beats you” so we will see, I got no problem doing the exercise … eating the way your supposed to seems like its going to be a bit more expensive (yea i know the food that is cheap and tastes good isnt all that great for you…but yea, long story short, I need to find out what options i have without going broke…its hard enough to just make the healthy choices without all the money and logistical crap along with it!

love that!

That is a great idea, however, I would be worried that the universal strip would cost way more than the ones we already have because each company would want a cut of the profits from it, so therefore, it would skyrocket the cost.
I hate the medical companies anyway. All their doctors, reps, and workers make such huge paychecks, and most of the time, if they can use their companies brand of medicine or supplies, they get it for free (or if not, they can get it with a ginormous discount), so what do they have to complain about? All the meanwhile, we’re here and can barely afford to pay for what we need to keep us healthy and somewhat maintain a decent lifestyle.

So the health care industry should give away their products and services?

Price controls lead to shortages and then it won’t be the cost that keeps you from getting what you need- it will be the rationing that follows. Need more than 5 infusion sets a month? You’ll be forced to go to Ebay or the equivalent, where they will cost much more than they do now.

Look, I understand that diabetes is a very expensive condition to treat successfully, but there is not some conspiracy among health care professionals to break the backs of diabetics for bags of money. It sucks we have a disease that saps our bank accounts so, but hey, that’s life, and making boogeymen out of people who, for the most part, are trying to make our lives easier is counter-productive at best.