A video all diabetics must see!

Visit my blog at Mindful Diabetes

The other day I was on YouTube and checking out what new videos awaited me in my subscription list. One of my favorite YouTube folks is Allie Beatty. She runs a site called www.alliesvoice.com. If you are not familiar with her, Allie has strong beliefs and opinions and is not afraid to share them with the world. Love her or hate her, she makes you really think about things when it comes to your diabetes, your healthcare, treatment options, etc… She is a vibrant and strong voice in the diabetes community and I respect the heck out of her for it!

So I settle into my chair and hit play on Allie’s latest video, “Do Anti-VEGF Shots Cause Strokes?” and I have to hit pause about 15 seconds into it because I am in shock. My eyes are filling up with tears as I sit in disbelief, staring at my laptop. I urge you to watch this video in its entirety now, before you finish reading my post.

Part of me wants to scream that this has happened to her. Part of me is angry that this could happen in this day and age. A big part of me is terrified that something like this will happen to me. Here is why I urged you to watch the video. Allie is a fighter and she will get through this. Visit her site, www.alliesvoice.com and offer her support. Do not let this story paralyze you with fear. Use this as another weapon in your diabetes arsenal to remind you that you must ask questions of your doctors, you must research treatment options, and you need to be actively involved in your health care. Know that sometimes you will have to take risks when choosing a treatment option and you may get some unwelcome side effects. This is part of the diabetes survival game. Never give up!

As Allie recovers from this stroke, I know she will continue to be brutally honest and question everything. It’s part of why the D community loves her so much! You are in our thoughts and prayers Allie.