A1C Results today! 6.9% W00T!

I'm soo excited, today I got my first A1C since I've gotten a new pump and a dexcom!

The nurse was shocked to see that it went from 10.9 to 6.9 ... she almost thought that something was wrong with the test.


Congratulations my man, excellent result.

I felt so much better health wise after starting the pump. I imagine with abit more tweaking and more experience with pumping that will drop even further.

Great Austin!! It is a fantastic result.

Happy for you.

Amazing what you can learn with a dexcom. Way to go with the new A1C. Keep on using what you learn to improve your health.


That is amazing Austin! I am so happy for you! Congratulations!

Woo Hoo! Keep up the good work, Austin. Now work on Time in Range!

Wow. Are you feeling significantly better?

Thanks for all the nice comments... and Yes I've been feeling much much better overall. Except for my short stint with gastroparesis.

wow! thats great! well done!

Amazing and I know how much hard work goes into obtaining a number like that.