AAAAAAARGGGH Eating right and losing weight I swear this is impossible!

Why am I hungry all the time? Why am I working out everyday my abs arms everything and gaining weight .? I am 5’7 and weight 155. I have a very very athletic body. But i have the love handles coming along and the cellulite on the sides. I know this may sound like i dont need to do anything but this is the story. I got a amazing dance job I will be wearing a leotard and tights and I need to look amazing no fat ! I need help! I find it sooooooooooo hard and expensive to cook this dinners that are supposed to be sooooooooo healthy for you. I dont have the money to buy that and the time. I need help !!! How many carbs a day should i be eating etc? I have had diabetes now for almost a year and a half and I am getting so frustrated at the very moment! I need some encouragement! Please

Your working out and your gaining weight. It’s because your re-building your muscle which weighs more than fat. I’m like you - proper athletic body. Building your muscle is good though, it means your body can burn more calories because the more muscle you have the more energy is needed, also you carry on burning at rest while the muscle repairs. Make sure your getting enough cardio in to, work your heart at around 60-70% for 30 mins, if you can’t manage that start of slow and build up. Regards the food, it doesn’t have to be expensive. Just make sure you get every food group in in the right amout E.g Enough fruit & veg, good fats - salmon etc, carbs for your energy and protein for the muscle. Then when it comes to cooking don’t add extra fat just grill, boil, steam and bake. Try to eat around 1800 calories and you should start seeing the results.Oh one other thing don’t eat refined foods like white rice and bread, it’s bad for you and’ll probly make you BG spike. Go completely whole grains, you’ll get alot more nutrients that way to!
Good luck!

Becca =)

I think it depends on what you call a ‘healthy’ diet and how much you have of it. Unlike Becca, I go almost no grains and little fruit (real and unpredictable havoc with my BGLs) - and lower-carb most of the time, but then I don’t do intense exercise. Insulin does promote weight gain, but again it depends on what you’re eating and how much you’re exercising.

Sometimes it’s just genetics that puts fat where you don’t particularly want it, and it’s really hard to shift. If I could move my belly fat around to my behind without expensive surgery, I’d be in body-image-heaven!

How much carb are you having in a day? What part of your ‘diet’ is so expensive? Give us some more details and I’m sure people on here can make more suggestions.

Dinners take me an average of 10 minutes to prepare when I’m in a hurry, and everyone loves my food. Healthy food doesn’t have to take lots of time! Cook some meat or fish, throw together a salad with lots of different veggies (particularly in the warmer months) and there’s dinner!

Pat yourself on the back for working out every day and for paying attention to your diet. Your body probably looks way better than you think it does. We women seem to see things that others don’t!

i like eating lean cusins or heatlhy choice
add weight training to your cardio
try to eat every 3 to 4 hours, like meal times and snacks

Hi Samantha,

How many carbs are you eating now? How’s your energy? Wish I had an athletic body & admire your dedication to working out! Your hunger could be, of course, from your intense work outs. It could also be that you’re not eating enough protein. Too many carbs & not sufficient protein can make you hungry constantly.

Like Susi, I don’t eat grains. Whole or processed have the same effect on me. Grains turn to sugar almost instantly. I feel a lot better since giving up all grains. Other than small amounts of berries, I steer clear of fruit.

Many diabetics have thyroid problems. If yours is low, it makes losing weight difficult. Might be worthwhile to be checked for this. One article I read, said around 70% of women have thyroid problems.

Lots of great low carb recipe sites with menus that don’t take a lot of time & aren’t expensive.

I took a Diabetes Self-Management Class in March '09. It was very informative. One thing they taught us was that your cells send the message to your brain that they are hungry. There is plenty of sugar in your blood stream, but the cells cannot receive the sugar to satisfy the hunger without the insulin to unlock the cell door so to speak. Exercise helps the cells to metabolize the sugar, if it can get in, if it can’t the cells become more hungry(they will tell the brain I’m starving to death) and eventually die of starvation(insulin resistance). You will lose weight this way, but not in the right places. Fat cells if given enough time will transform into a form of sugar as a way of feeding the other hungry cells, but this sugar will not be able to get into the cells and your sugar goes higher, then it is impossible to lose weight. It’s really complicated and involves a lot of chemistry. Also, if the liver releases a lot of sugar you will gain weight. What helps is Metformin and glipizide. Also, I have had a lot of success with peanuts for snacks, Black Tea to help regulate BS levels.Oatmeal helps regulate BS levels.

you sound like a healthy weight! eating healthy doesn’t have to be expensive, when you go grocery shopping focus on the produce around the perimeter of the store oppose to the isles; you’re fruits, vegetables and lean meats. I try to eat under 40 carbs per meal to maintain weight, however this doesn’t mean starving. Try to fill your plate with mostly veggies and perhaps a skinless chicken breast or fish fillet, and there is a healthy, inexpensive meal that contains little carb. When I want a snack I always pick up unsalted almonds instead of cereal bars etc. Nuts contain no carbs and really hold over hunger where they are a source of protein, good luck!! =)

I do understand that you want to be super trim because your body is on show, dancers have it tough, just don’t get too hung up on it. I went on a diet that didn’t stop but of course I couldn’t see this, be careful. All the advice given above is great, as Jill says eating healthily doesn’t need to be expensive, I rarely cook for myself because most of my diet consists of fresh salads, raw veg and fruit, some bread too. Someone will be able to advise you on which exercises to do for specific parts of your body, plenty of people here. Food wise, just use up more energy than what you are taking in, it sounds like your doing that, so as Becca says it could be muscle, maybe fluid retention, parsley is great for that.

The only diet that is “healthy” for me, (a person with MODY who uses low doses of insulin), is the diet that lets me cut my insulin down as low as possible.

If I keep my carbs under 40 per day I can lose weight. I also see improved lipids. I can maintain at 100-110 g a day with 6-8 units of insulin. If I get up to 12-13 units of insulin, I"m going to gain no matter how supposedly “healthy” the food is.

Carbs are what make me gain weight.

I’ve been eating mostly low carb for almost 11 years now. I’m an older lady and my doctors continue to be amazed that I have no signs of heart disease eating my low carb diet since they still believe the “low fat is healthy” twaddle. It isn’t.

Just today I blogged about a study that, unintentionally, showed that dietary counseling and eating the way the nutritionist tells them makes women more likely to become obese. You can read about this at my blog Diabetes Update.

I actually got all my blood work done last week and got it back yesterday. i dont have a thyroid problem. Thank goodness. But i need to know what to eat ? I have gone to a nutrionist and I just I dont know I just want something simple that I can follow. Can someone give me a say week of what your eat so i can go off of that or some examples ?

Thank you for everyone who replied on this . I have a body that if I got down to 120 I would look sick. I am not a good looking skinny person what so ever. I am not looking to be skinny . I am looking to get the hard places gone. I just want to be able to give myself less insulin but eating the right foods. I eat a lot of salads. But i really really need to know is what can i do to balance all of this out? What in each meal is good to have to not get hungry like i am every single day! It gets old after awhile being hungry all the time.


Can you give me a week of what you eat or a days worth? Just so i can get a idea of what i could be doing?

Well an example of my day would be…
Breakfast - Bowl of porrige.
Then I go for a 30-45 minute run
Snack - Half bannana
Lunch - Whole grain toast. Tin sardines & Tomato. Apple or slice of melon
Snack - 2 rice cake thingys
I might do some yogalates or weight training.
Dinner - Grilled chicken. Roasted vegetable cous cous & side salad. Yogurt.
Plenty of water through out the day.

Healthy and really easy and inexpensive to put together. I never feel hungry and gives me enough energy to workout and make it through the day.

awesome thank you … i def needed that forsure. I really need to examples so i know what would benefit me forsrue.

I’ve been where you are. I was 107 when I got married. But life happened and I had 6 full pregnacies which destroyed my body. When I was in my early 50’s I was discusted. I had alwsays been athletic and played competive tennis for 4-6 hours a week. So I was muscular, but wore a size 16. It took 3 or 4 years but I lost 60 lbs and am down to a size 6. I gained a little back over the winter and need to go low carb to lose it. I know I’ll never get back to where I was in college but I would like to be in the mid 120’s. When I was diagnosed T 2 two years ago I got serious about the weight loss. I stick to a low carb diet to keep my bg low. I find that I can’t eat any kind of processed food without a bg spike. I usually work out or play tennis 2 hrs a day but can’t get rid of my love handles or my big chest. I do a million crunches and pilates but I still have flab in my belly. I bought a book last year called the Flat Belly Diet. It has some good menus in it. It says to lose belly fat you have to incorperate healthy fats in your diet. So I eat a lot of almonds, pesto, oilve oil, avacaodos, and dark chocolate.

I agree with you so much jenny, when I was first diagnosed, my nutritionist had me eating sooo much! and my insulin dosage was increased. It was like I was stuffing food in my face and taking insulin because that was how I thought diabetes was managed… it wasn’t good until I realized that I didn’t have to be eating the exact amount of carbs the nutritionist recommended, I cut down alot of my carbs and the weight just dropped and I haven’t gained a bit back since doing that.

Hi Samantha,

I eat low carb–about 5-6 carbs for breakfast, 12-15 carbs for dinner. If I ate what Becca does, I’d be taking huge amounts of insulin. Less carbs=less insulin=less weight. People who eat lower carb seem to have better BG control.

Typical meals for me:

Breakfast: eggs/cheese, or flaxseed nut granola w/unsweetened almond milk (make the granola myself–grain free), or flaxseed/almond meal muffins (very low carb), or whey protein isolate powder shake w/ almond milk & flavoring.

Lunch: salad (dark leafy greens, cucumbers, radishes, scallions, sprouts, red pepper) & some protein (cheese, fish, turkey bacon), or veggie soup, or avocado/cucumber/cream cheese rolls (using Nori seaweed sheets), or whey protein isolate powder shake w/ almond milk & flavoring.

Dinner: Lean protein & low carb veggies (asparagus, cabbage, brussel sprouts, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, zucchini, yellow squash, spaghetti squash, eggplant, celery, dark leafy greens, cucumbers, turnips, red & yellow pepper, mushrooms, etc.) Doesn’t have to boring or just eating steamed veggies.

Snacks (I don’t snack much): nuts, peanut butter, cheese, raw veggies.

figure out how many calories a day you need to maintain your weight. Eat less total calories than that, the advantage of healthy food being that the calorie density is smaller so you get to actually eat more and stay under goal.

Keep excersizing, and drink lots if water …

Water + O2 from working out = fat burning


You need to add fiber and protein to the carbs you eat to stay full longer and to keep your blood sugar from spiking after you eat carbs. I enjoy eating cereal (Special K, multigrain Cheerios, etc). She said to mix in some Fiber One Cereal to give me the fiber I need to stay full. I also enjoy eating Breyers Light yogurt with some Fiber One mixed in. I do not use regular milk. Instead I drink 8th Continent Light Soy Milk. The also have one with added fiber and protein.

I experienced the same thing. My bloodsugar does much better when I eat fewer carbs. I lost about 20 pounds when I went on a low carb diet. Of course nutrionists say it is unhealthy and do not recommend it. I know what works for me though.