About Me

Well I am going to try and write my first blog and I guess i will just try and write a little about myself. I am going to keep it brief and just highlight important things.

First my name is Amanda, and I am 26 years old. i have had diabetes for 18 years and was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes on May 16th, 1989. One day after my younger sisters birthday. I remember that day well. I spent a week in the hospital and I remember that very well too.

When i was young my parents took very good care of me. They were always up to date on the new things, always had their eye on me and made sure I was doing what I was supposed to. My mom would go with me on the first day of school and explain to all the kids what diabetes was and let each student try a sugar tablet. That was always fun growing up.

When I hit teenage years I kind of lost it. I don’t know but i am thinking some diabetics do this. I think I got tired of being a diabetic and to top it off my parents had recently divorced. I quit taking care of myself which ended up putting me in a diabetic coma for 2 days. Soon after that is when i was put on an insulin pump. I have been on one for 8 years now. That sort of changed my life. My control drastically improved. I had no more lows which prevented trips to the er. no more severe highs. It was wonderful. I really love and still do love the insulin pump.

I am now married with two beautiful girls. One is 6 and the other just turned 3 on sat. Both are diabetes free right now and i pray that they will stay that way. My pregnancy’s were ok although I learned something. My second little one was born 6 weeks early and was 8 pounds 3 oz. I was always under the impression that if you maintained good control you would have healthy small babies. I have learned that is not true. Madison is ok, she does not have any long term problems, she did have to spend 9 days in NICU, and I did have excellent control.

Today is a little different story. Something has changed. Since I have been on a pump my a1c’s have been normal most of the time in the 5’s. Over the last 6 or so months they have not my last a1c was 8.0 which was down from 6 months ago when it was 9.2. And i am beginning to get frustrated. I have been working with my endo and adjusting and changing things. I will regain control and than all the sudden it will go all crazy again. I don’t understand it. On top of that I have been diagnosed with high cholesterol. Nothing i have done another genetic thing, Yeah, this means i am on medicine. So i am eating healthier and now I am having to start to exercising and i still have not gotten control. It is frustrating and makes me crazy, but yet I continue to keep plugging along trying to fix the problem because I now have two beautiful children who depend on me.

Sorry to hear about your recent difficulties. Your story sounds a little familar to mine. My mom kept a watchful eye on me in my earlier days but after highschool I kind of paid less attention to my Diabetes. Luckily I didn’t have any diabetic comas until about a year ago. I am working on getting on a pump myself. Hope you and your Endo can figure out your spike in A1c.

Good luck