Airport security

Thank goodness it isn’t crowded at Phila airport this morning. First security person told methet have dealt with pumps thousands of times. Of course I ended up having to show her the animas travel letter. She insisted that the loaner pump coud go thru - after reading the letter that said it couldn’t.

Got treated to a full body patdown, gave my pump a massage and fot swabbed, andof course the loaner had to be opened to make sure it wasn’t really a small piece of German chocolate cake!

Off to find a D friendly breakfast. Yes, in the airport hahahahaha

Eek, sorry about all the typos. Not used to the iPad keyboard. Maybe the patdown somehow leached some of my brainpowew?

Hope your flight was fine. I don't fly anymore .Know what TSA stands for? Thousands Standing Around, wasting taxpayer money. I take the train - no hassles, more comfortable and no stress. Food is a lot better too.Going to Florida on the Silver Meteor to Orlando.

You didn't put the loaner pump through the x-ray machine, did you? From what I understand, the x-ray machine could really damage the pump!!

I agree with your sentiments. I took trains all over Europe earlier this year.

But I flew home, because the train to my place would probably get a bit damp.

Cheers, Alan, Australia

No, of course I didn’t, though of course it cost an extra 10 minutes. Have to go thru swcurity every time I re-board the ship. The one female who does security/patdowns takes about 5 seconds.