I know, It's December 17, but my 90 year old mother is just getting around to asking me what I want for Christmas. Here's what I told her: a donation to the Diabetes Hands Foundation! To make it easier for her, I'm sending her an pre-addressed envelope, all she has to do is pop in her check. She already knows how much DHF's TuDiabetes.org has changed my life for the better, and how proud I am to be an admin here. I joined almost 5 years ago, after spending 40 years feeling alone with my type 1. I was immediately surrounded by caring members, with helpful suggestions and support. No one made me feel ashamed or stupid that I didn't know my insulin to carb ratio, or my sensitivity factor, or was a complete failure at carb counting. It was a revelation for me, and I'm so thankful I found the community. I'm no longer beating myself up if my numbers aren't perfect, and I have the support of many friends here when I need it.
Just yesterday I met a young mother struggling with her diabetes, she said she had never met another person with type1! I immediately stopped in my tracks and jotted down the website for her. We can't let those with diabetes feel alone! Every little bit helps. Here's the address
Diabetes Hands Foundation, 1962 University Ave. #1, Berkeley, CA 94704.