Does anyone know if the high level of antibodies can make you more or less susceptible to developing thyroid disease? I have the antibodies and the normal threshold is 0-34, but mine is 106. I don’t have any symptoms though of thyroid disease or anything that really is bothering me in that regard. I was just curious though. I am wondering if the higher the number the more likely you are to develop the disease?
I’m no expert on this subject but I did a quick search and thyroid antibodies are predictive of eventual emergence of Graves or Hashimotos (it depends on which antibody you tested positive for). This paper suggests that if you don’t have abnormal thyroid function but have antibodies that “antibodies to Tg and TPO are present in Graves disease and Hashimoto thyroiditis up to 7 yr before clinical diagnosis and are elevated compared with controls.” It also says that antibody levels rise over time and should be monitored. It also says that your doctor should monitor your thyroid function and antibody levels with an eye towards treating you when and if you end up with Graves or Hashimotos. I know a number of people with Graves and Hashimotos who have T1. Unfortunately, if you have one autoimmune disorder you have a much greater chance of getting other autoimmune disorders. There is even a name for this, it is called multiple autoimmune syndrome.
I am sorry to not have good news. I feel for you and wish you the best.
I’m pretty sure that thyroid issues are more common to diabetics. Hypothyroid is also not that uncommon for middle aged women. My Doc has checked my thyroid 1,000 times. Nothing goofy has ever shown up, but its worth checking. (Note: I am 36 yrs old female w/ type 1 for twenty five years.)
"People with diabetes have an increased risk of developing thyroid disorder. In the general population, approximately 6% of people have some form of thyroid disorder. However, the prevalence of thyroid disorder increases to over 10% in people with diabetes.
Since people with one form of autoimmune disorder have an increased chance of developing other autoimmune disorders, people with Type 1 diabetes have a higher risk of autoimmune thyroid disorder. Up to 30% of women with Type 1 diabetes have some form of autoimmune thyroid disease."
Yes, I’m not so worried about getting the disease other than the fact that it could mess up my bg and I always wondering if I’m all over the place just because diabetes. OR is my thyroid starting to go the way of my pancreas and that affects my bg??? I was more curious about the #'s- how high can you go antibodies wise? And if that has any bearing on how quickly one might develop thyroid disorder. My TSH and T4 levels show that I’m normal, and I certainly don’t feel any symptoms. I might worry more if I was trying to have kids, but thankful that chapter is over and done with!
I consider the thyroid issue to be the easiest to deal with.
Obviously depends on exactly “what” the thyroid “issue” is as they are clearly not all the same nor respond equally to treatment.
In our case, one pill per day and done.
In terms of diagnosis, we started with the antibody tests in conjunction with the various TSH,T3,T4 level testing. The antibody testing was very clear so there was little doubt where this was ultimately headed. We ran the tests maybe every six months? In conjunction with our Endo, we decided to start on the synthroid when we saw the TSH/T3/T4 (forget which ones exactly now) starting to change. We have done many tests at this point, so we had a very good idea of the typical fluctuations and then waited to see the change in level which was repeated with increase change in the following test.
IMHO, any relevant symptoms are just as important as the TSH,T3,T4 levels. I do not think these tests are one of those where a particular range/number is really the proper range/number for everybody. If there is no real downside to the meds and the numbers are in the ballpark for a prescription (even if not technically “there”) and you have symptoms to boot - a good discussion with the Doc may be helpful. My point of view would be try the med, followup with the Doc and bloodwork. If the TSH,T3,T4 numbers move back towards ideal range as well as reduction of symptoms then maybe that works for you?
The Thyroid antibody testing, I think is very cut and dry at certain results.
The TSH,T3,T4 - I think these are lot more fuzzy.
My thyroid antibodies have been measured at over 2,000 At the time I did have thyroid enlargement and nodules, but no noticeable sommon symptoms. It remained at this level for years. My doctor started me on a tiny amount of thyroid hormone replacement in an effort to halt the damage, but it did not work. Turns out I also had celiac disease. Once on a gluten free diet, my enlargement and nodules are now gone. Unfortunately, my thyroid is burned out and still requires a much larger dose of thyroid hormone.
My last check showed antibodies at 300 and I have chronic autoimmune hives which occurred after a hidden gluten exposure which also increased my “celiac” antibodies.
I encourage you to have your doctor periodically (at least annually) your thyroid and get tested for celiac disease (some celiacs are asymptomatic and many never experience GI issues at all). Celiac Disease, Hashimoto’s, and TD1 are most commonly linked. Please insist on a full panel and not just the cheaper screening test: TTG.