Alright... I'm coming clean

I admit it: I'm a sugar dealer

I hang out around diabetes clinics, hooking my prey on the stuff.


Seriously, this is my hypo defense. 15 skittles per baggie (15g carb), so I don't have to think -- if I can't -- to follow the 15/15 rule.

Easy to take a few carbs if I'm at 85, and still have a little IOB (happens all the time, easy way to head off that minor hypo).

Baggies are from the Walgreens pill container section, "Pill Pouch".

Oooooh how much for a nickel bag, I mean 15 carb bag. LOL I seem to be hooked.

The post has much more effect now that I finally got the picture upload to work from my android tablet :-)

picture? (maybe it's cuz I haven't had my coffee yet)

Nope dwallersv, the pic did not upload. .But I have prepacged them the same way.. Skittles taste really good and I will overeat them from their original container. You can buy the same little bags, which are also used for beading supplies, cheaply at Walmart, for about 2 bucks for 50 I think. Maybe two bucks for 100. I bought them over a year ago with my bead stash, and I forgot the exact price.

Nice kidding around joke. Yet,I have been asked,by more than one uninformed, but concerned soul: "Did you get diabetes from eating too much sugar as a child?"
I,of course,revealed the truth and dispelled the myth.

God bless.

I use the little bags too, from the Hobby store where they're $1.00 for 100! I use them until they fall apart. Once, on a bike ride in some heat, the ziploc failed and the stuff (I use a mix of Starburst Jellybeans, b/c they are super yummy, and Smarties, w/ dextrose) got all gooey so I just popped the bag in my mouth, chewed the sugar out of it and then spit out the bag when I'd cleaned it out. I get about 32G of carbs in them but usually have 5-10 bits of candies (carefully mixing the flavors, I take the green/ sour apple jelly beans out for big races as they're my least favorite flavor...) so I can get 2-3-4 "doses" out of each bag. I've had a few bags where the Smarties at the bottom get all worn down into little ovoid shapes instead of their usual "pill" shape.

I can see the picture now! Just lucky I guess. I don't eat sugar so I use glucose tablets and no temptation to overdo. I just think of them as medicine and don't expect them to taste good. but it does seem like the skittles in bags works well for many people.

Like many of us I found the 15/15 rule didn't work for me. I take 2 tabs 8g) if I'm in the 50s and 3 (12 g) for lower. I wait 1/2 hour to get the effect - 15 minutes is not long enough for me even for glucose tabs.

LOL! I love your stories!

One silver lining of diabetes that we rarely think of is the occasions where it adds interesting storytelling to our lives...

I don't tell these stories anywhere else!