Alternative Cures, Remedies and Other Stuff Like That

I'm a type one diabetic since age 19. I'm overweight so everyone assumes I'm a type 2, not that it matters or I care what they assume. What I do care about is the people who tell me diabetes can be cured by using a naturopathic or herbal remedies. I dont understand it, so I'm asking two questions here:

1. What is the credibility of naturopathic medecine and its ability to "cure" or even treat T1? or T2?

2. When my friends say this type of thing to me, it makes me annoyed. Am I out of line for that?

Thank you.

D can’t be cured.

I would not feel you are out of line at all for feeling that way.

You are quite sane!

Look the first clown who and PROVE their cure claims, will be rich and famous beyond belief. Submit them for double blind medical peer review… it will become the new standard of medical care

Prove your method, your technique will guarantee my consistant, lower readings a CURE to my diabetes and

a)I’ll stand on my head,

b)chant in Creole and

c)wear your giant yellow chicken featers glued to my skin in the middle of Times Square!

Proof defeats skepticism every time.
As a T1 we must be skeptics. Prove the claim, its a real simple standard. Fraud takes many forms. If you want to engage these friends ask them exactly what they mean? Details tend to derail “believers” nicely too…

Was there a specific alternative technique or approach you were actually considering ?
Or simply annoyed by the foolish if well intended assertions?


Hello Hairza:

Glad to hear I could share the laughter… if it guarantees much lower readings consistantly nothing is off the table in my book.


I don’t believe there is a cure yet!! There are ways of managing the disease however and good natropathic doctors can help with that I think. For example, there are certain deficiencies in diabetics, but my doc has never told me to take any supplements etc. A natropath would. Things like that help.
My little contribution for what it’s worth :0)

  1. Cure T1, naturopathic cure for you, no way. If you were recently diagnosed, I don’t think so, either, unless they have some way of stopping the killing of the beta cells. You and I have no chance, because we have been without C-Peptide and functioning beta cells for so long.

  2. I have found that when I start using terms like “C-Peptide” or “beta cells”, that stops some people’s comments. Try saying something like “I appreciate you thinking of me, but my diabetes is a different type. I have a defective immune system that has destroyed the part of my pancreas that produces insulin, so that won’t work for me.” If that doesn’t work, you can add “Since I don’t make any c-peptide, I know I will have to inject insulin until I get a transplant” or something like that. I have found that using that as an opportunity to briefly educate people does 2 things: It keeps them off my back with those hokey ideas, and it opens them up to asking questions in the future.

My dad told me one day that he read an article that said that gastric bypass can cure over 80% of diabetics. I told him that I appreciated him thinking of me, and that might be true of some type 2 diabetics, but that wouldn’t work for me. Besides, since I am only somewhere between 15 and 20 lbs overweight, I would have go gain like 80 lbs to qualify for gastric bypass. My dad loves me and means well, but he is clueless.

Check out this video on youtube, laugh, and then try to decide what type of person these are giving advice. Are they just rude, cruel, or uneducated people who mean well?

There is a movie called "Simply Raw:Raw for Thirty Days" which purports that Diabetes can be cured or at least reduce your need for medication. is a five minute movie trailer, or there is an hour long clip too
I have attempted to eat partially raw, and it is REALLY hard. But I do believe/want to believe that there are alternatives to pharmaceutical medications. I think diet and exercise have a lot of influence on our blood sugars. I think it is important to have someone monitoring you while attempting any new diet/lifestyle. I wanted to share this though, because it got me excited. I personally don't think 100% raw is the way to go, but I think eating more raw foods can improve our Blood Glucose. See for yourself...