Animas pump anyone having problems when ordering supplies?

Every time I order new supplies from animas its a huge headache. I always have to follow up with thenm to get my order going. Anyone else have this problem with animas??? I realize some hang ups can be with Rx's and insurance but there have been many times i have called and they are like "ok we will go ahead and send your order out now". It's so frustrating and it just about every order. And there customer service seems to have gone down lately.

I almost always have this problem when I order on the website, and they have acknowledged that service doesn't work that well. Now I just call and it always comes in a reasonable length of time.

The nice thing is there are other companies out there that will happily take your money and deliver your pumping supplies (Animas and others as well) to you.

Talk to your insurance company about using alternative supply houses (Edgepark, Liberty Medical), which they (and you) will appreciate, as the costs can be lower.

I was nervous when my insurance company said that I needed to go to Edgepark for my supplies, but they made the process painless, letting me know when my orders shipped, what was in the order, and when I call, they use caller ID to verify my identity (and some other personal info). It is very impressive how they handled it.

Good luck to you!

I am having terrible problems getting supplies from Animas. I switched from Medtronic to Animas last October because I wanted the Dexcom CGM. Animas sends a 90-day supply every 90 days, so of course I have almost no supplies when the shipment arrives. They also refuse to AutoShip supplies. They blame both on my insurance. Dexcom has been autoshipping supplies since last October with no problem. Medtronic used to send four boxes, rather than three, every 85 days. They said they specifically sent the fourth box to ensure plenty of overlap of supplies. I had the same insurance for Medtronic that I have now. I have called my insurance company several times, and they insist that Animas is incorrect. Animas then insists that my insurance company is incorrect. I’ve turned it over to the benefits person to deal with. I find Animas customer service to be horrible compared with Medtronic’s.

Easiest solution may be to have your doctor change your script to “change every 2 days” (or 2.5 days?) – that’ll increase your order by a box or two every 90 days without anyone balking at it.

You’re right; I can resolve the quantity issue with the doctor. The more frustrating issue is their refusal to autoship supplies, which they say is prohibited by my insurance company. My insurance company has said multiple times to me that AutoShip is not prohibited, and they have called Animas to tell them so, yet they continue to say my insurance company won’t allow it. Customer service at Animas PALES in comparison to Medtronic’s or Dexcom’s or even Comcast’s. I switched to Animas solely because of the Dexcom CGM, and dealing with them for simple supply orders is hell.

That’s a shame. My insurance doesn’t let me deal directly with Animas, so I haven’t experienced most of those issues; however, the few times I have, I found that, although the ordering process was OK (for me), they are very understanding and accomodating on payment/billing process. That helped me for those times that I’ve needed to pay out of pocket for things I needed from them.

I’ve had decent luck with Edgepark in obtaining my pump supplies. I wouldn’t use Liberty, they are a nightmare to deal with, no one has a clue whats going on at Liberty. Sorry haven’t dealt with Animas, I’ve only used Medtronic/Liberty and tSlim/Edgepark. If you choose to obtain your suppliers from a medical supply distributor I’d recommend EdgePark over Liberty.