Hi everyone - I am now 2 months into being diabetic - diagnosed in my late 30's (ahem). My little sister is Type 1 as well, but she did it properly, starting at 5 yrs old. Sadly, we live in different countries, so i can't pester her with questions as much as i would like.
I guess i was lucky because i know that diabetes doesn't mean the end of your life - but it is the end of life as i knew it - which just means different, not bad. I will probably be posting a lot of questions around here - and i look forward to hearing and learning from you all.
Hi Kokos: So sorry to welcome you to the club, but here you (and we) are! Glad you have found TuDiabetes--it's a great place to ask questions and get support from people who truly understand. I wrote a blog on my top ten tips for the newly diagnosed adult with T1D that I hope you might find useful. Again, welcome!
hi kokos, welcome to tud. i was also diagnosed in my thirties and im about 2 and a half years in. tuD helped me so much at the beginning and still does now! ask away!
Welcome to the club you didn't join and can't leave . Regardless, you're not alone and plenty of people can help you. There's a lot of people who have type 1 diagnosed at an adult age (myself included, though I've been doing this for only almost a year so I don't know if my advice will be the greatest) that can help you figure out a lot of things. Hang in there though.
Welcome! I was diagnosed at age 9 and I honestly feel like a minority on this site. Seems most here were diagnosed as adults. So you're in good company. :) Ask away in terms of questions - there's always great advice here.