New Girl!

Hey everyone:) Im new to this site… Not new to diabetes though! Going on 6 years now… Crazy! Well, Im really just writing this forum to introduce myself & make a few new friends:) Im up to talk about anything:D

WELCOME!!!!! This is a great site to come to everybody here will talk about diabeters for sure!!! I've had Type 1 for 38 years now. Nice to meet you!

Nice to meet you! I am going on 28 years but don't remember exactly when it was...

Nice to meet you as well!:slight_smile: 28 years?! Thats crazy! How old were you when you were diagnosed?:o

Thanks Dorris:) & Ive noticed! I like it alot so far:D & Thats crazy! I cant even imagine yet! & Its nice to meet you as well:)

16! In some ways that was useful as I had other distractions that made me want to do an ok job keeping diabetes in line so I could do other stuff?

Welcome! I'm sure you'll have no trouble finding friendly people on this site - they're all wonderful, and full of information. :)

Myself I'm going on 4 years, a little over 2 years on the pump. How time flies!

Hey Courtney,
Welcome to this great site. It is filled with a lot of info for discussion. For me it's been almost 54 years. July 6, 1958 at the age of 3.
Again welcome.

Hey there:D && Thankyou very much. How amazing! 54 years? Oh & by the way I love your tattoo:)

Glad u do!!! I'm slow here so forgive me for just getting back to u

Thanks! Im really excited about it:) & Really? Me too:D & I know!

Haha, its alright:P Im pretty slow on here too…

Thats understandable! Thats how I see it too hahh:)

Hi TOGC! welcome to the site

Welcome to TuD.

Hi Courtney, welcome and nice to "meet" you! Everyone here is fantastic, I've learned so much here. I was diagnosed at the age of 27 about 25 years ago. Seems like forever.

Welcome Courtney, this is a great site to learn new and better ways of dealing with your condition. Along the way you will make friends with a group of D buddies that will help and support you.

I see from your profile you like volleyball, it was my sport of choice in my younger days. My daughter was the setter on her high school team and made all district her senior year. Do you play on a school team or just for fun?

Welcome to TuD., Courtney. This is a terrific site for info and support. The members are great and always want to help. If you have a question about anything relating to D you will find an answer here. We also do have fun ( there are puzzles and other games that we play ) on the site. I have been a member for 2 years, and I have learned more here that I ever did from any dr. that I ever visited. ( I am a T-1 for 13 years. Got it at age 55.) Good Luck getting your questions answered.

Thankyou very much Joe:)
