Anyone else feel like diabetes supplies are engulfing your house?!

That is a great idea! I think I'm going to do that too, it will save time I think.

I finally bought an entire cabinet that sits in the corner outside my son's bedroom and is devoted to nothing but diabetes supplies, because they were taking over the medicine cabinet in the bathroom.

My diabetes shelf by my bed..

More diacrap... I have more but I don't want to take up too much space here, lol.

I'm a college student, so at home everything is nicely stacked on a shelf in the miscellaneous closet, and in my dorm it's thrown into a giant plastic shoebox under my desk!

For me it's more a case of how I DISorganize my supplies. I don't have a big collection of supplies for my current pump. I tend then to squirrel away stuff semi-randomly in drawers. I do have a nice collection of antique junk/lefovers from earlier eras hanging around in boxes at the bottom of drawers. For example some old Novopens and even bags of syringes (with 25G 1/2" needles) that must date back 30 years (I went all-pen by the late 1980's). I wonder if there's a market on Ebay for vintage diabetic supplies??
