Anyone know about the True2Go glucose monitor? It is super small

I was in CVS yesterday and came across the Invacare True2go glucose monitor. See a photo here

I just wondered if anyone had any comments on it. It is by far the samllest monitor I have ever seen. CVS had a neat little snappy set up that held the lancet device, and attached it all together. I can't find a picture of it online.

I did find a YouTube video from a Parent group talking about the product (I guess for children with D) and she just held a lancet in her hand, removed that cap and said "Once you have the drop of blood...." I had to do that once or twice and it is awful! That video would have scared a child to death.

Check it out: You Tube

I've used it. The portability IS nice, but the poor thing is so small that it practically has no features! The user interface is just one button. This makes getting through the (limited) menus a chore.

Pros: small, can be easily worn even with dress clothes. The strips are fairly cheap too.

Cons: Not many features. Menus are painful

Is there a way to upload results?

i used it and it was ok for what I needed. Used it during workouts and to bring along in bike rides since it was small. The test strips are pricey compared to walmarts meter. I still have found walmart has the best buy for the buck

It doesn't look small at all in the video. Is that because it is stuck on top of the strip canister ?

Is it that much smaller than, say, the Freestyle Freedom Lite ?

Yes, Countour actually tests low.
iBGStar can be used standalone, it's really small.
It has only one button to scroll results, but as soon you connect it to your iPhone or iPod it downloads all data in its app.

The one I saw was about the size of a 50 cent piece, if you remember them! Probably 1 1/4 inches reound and half an inch thick?

Thats interesting... I use the true2go and the trueresult meter (they use the same strips) In my observations they read 15-20 points lower than my onetouch, but their repeatability of readings is much tighter than the onetouch. Makes me wonder...

After I saw your post, I ordered it on line for a back-up; received it yesterday. I've tested on my Omnipod which uses FreeStyle strips, and on the True2Go. As another poster mentioned, the True2Go was consistently 20 points higher. Now I am going to buy the Walmart version to see how that shakes out. I also believe that the new FreeStyle strips read a little lower than the original strips. They don't make it easy!


I am going to CVS today, to look at it.Sounds great to carry with me when I am exercising/biking/hiking.Some concern that it may not be as accurate as I would like. but I like the portability.

God bless,Brunetta