Anyone move from Levemir to Lantus?

I was at my Endocrinologist last week and he suggested that my Levemir may not covering me as well as he would like and told me to finish my current pen and move to Lantus with the same dosage. I currently use Novolog pre-meal 2 units pre breafast 5 units pre-lunch and 5 units pre-dinner with a sliding scale. In addition I use 20 units of Levemir before bed. His thought is that Lantus will cover me longer/better than the Levemir. Has anyone else been told this?? Or had this experience??? This goes back to me asking him the differences on how the 2 compare Lantus vs Levemir.

I just switched from Lantus to Levemir. I use to take Lantus 1 shot per day, tried it in the evening, dropped to low thru nite, tried it in the am, ran too high thru nite…then reduced dosage and split shots pm and am, got too much overlap. Finally, went to Levemir with the split, 20units Levemir am and 10 units Levemir pm and humalog with meals and corrections. Doing soooooo much better. After about 8 years or more on Lantus I am so glad I am on Levemir now, I just feel so much better. Maybe the Lantus just didn’t set well with me. I just don’t do well with the “one” shot a day thing…it was nice, but I am alot better splitting.

Hope it works for you. We are all different, It may be great for you. Hope so! good luck!