as I tried to refill my Levemir, the online option said "refill unavailable." My endo. then told me (after the fact) that Kaiser was no longer covering Levemir and I have to switch to Lantus.(would have been nice to get some warning, as I could have refilled in December and got 6 more bottles to ease the transition.
Quick background before I ask for some advice:
I've just had my 30-year anniversary as Type 1 in December, been injecting all the while (Kaiser only covers the MiniMed pump, and I'm just not ready to travel down that road yet, once they perfect a CGM/pump combo, I'll consider again). It was only 3 years ago that my dinosaur Endo. finally mentioned getting off the NPH (after a 3 am seizure/jumping fit ended in a broken foot) and, after my research here and on ADA site, I chose Levemir in 2 doses (he actually recommended one until I talked him out of that). It took about a year to finally get the dose right, and A1C's back down from the low 7's to the middle 6's.
To finally counter the morning high's, we ramped up the Levemir to 28 units at night, and 24 in the am, and I'm taking about 30 units of Novolog mixed in with some Regular at meals (yes, I have my own concoction/blend of about 4 units Novolog with 1-2 units of Regular before breakfast and lunch, and 6 units Novolog/4 units Regular at dinner---for some reason I like the extended kick of the R to keep working after the Novolog dies down for the slower acting carbs)..... does this lead to some extra lows? perhaps, but that's also another conversation.
Back to the Lantus: seeing the Endo. on Friday to review the plan--and the split. He says we might have to adjust the dosage and the splits. And, if the lantus does not work, he can write a "formulary exclusion" to get Kaiser to cover the Levemir. Since I finally have it working, I'm going to plead that he does it now, but he seems to play it by the book, so I doubt he'll do it unless Lantus really fails for me.
Should I ramp down from the 28 / 24 mix when starting on Lantus? And I know some basal testing is in order, but I'm a little leary of the 3 am peak and the doubling up that Lantus will hit me with.
Any advice and feedback is greatly appreciated.