Auto-pump/control IQ?

Anyone use the omnipod closed loop automatic pump technology/control IQ?? Any issues with it?? I’m doing so badly with now SEVERE NOVOCAINE -LIKE numbness in toes and feet that spread like wildfire and 50 types of pains , stabbing, shooting , gripping , gnawing , clawing raw pains in toes and like pliers are trying to break OFF …NO diabetes Dr can figure out what to do with me bc I have a VERY AND EXTREMELY erratic, brittle and rare form and the most ‘complicated’ case 4 Drs and nurses said they’ve ever seen to treat …bc even a mini bolus of .15 u can drop my sugar 50-200 pts in 3 hrs AND .15u COULD cover about 25g carbs about 25% of the time but others not even close …AND things that shouldn’t raise sugars do for me, like eggs, proteins , coffee, or a hot shower , all these added up to Xtra 200 pts on my sugars !! …SO my concern with the closed loop is that the pump won’t KNOW or be able to FIGURE OUT what doeses to give me and when if a ‘basal’ increase , bc it won’t know WHAT the concen powers or sensitivity factors will BE or predict it , just as the Drs can’t , because it’s SOOO ERRATIC AND FOLLOWS NO PATTERN …SO AM AFRAID it’ll give TOO MUCH all the time and I’ll go in constant severe low sugars !!! ( As I read this happened to a lady and it couldn’t figure out and she went into many low sugars!! Also that the range of what the pump wants to keep your sugars at is very low , in pretty much the 'normal ’ range …but I’d like to get it to even upper 100’s before eating and to keep it that low like it wants to all the time leaves no no no room for error when the doses for me and the results of my sugars are so erratic as it is in very dangerous. My first Endo said this would be too dangerous to go on because of how fragile and erratic I am but then he changed it and said no you should do this just because he didn’t know what else to do with me. Also I think you would give so much insulin as to try to keep your sugar under 160 even after you eat that’s after! So that your sugar is on a graph stay in a straight line but I was always taught and just shown on a graph by a doctor that your sugars should go up after you eat maybe a hundred or so points and slowly slowly come back down over a few hours! That’s what I was always taught that’s the safest way as other doctors have told me to. So like this lady wrote that got low sugars on this all the time where she had to have 200 g of sugar to bring it up, if it keeps your sugar in a straight line even after you eat you’ll have so much insulin on board and you that in an hour it’ll just plummet down to below zero?? This goes against everything I was taught by the diabetic doctors or nurses. So my question after all of this ranting sorry I just had to lay out the story is have you had any good or bad experiences with this omnipod?

Hi, I’m Chris, I’m considering asking my endo for a Omnipod prescription next month. I read some of your previous posts, are you thinking about changing from your Tandem Tslim:X2 to the Omnipod 5? If so why do you want to switch? Has your doctor given you reasons to change to the Omnipod?

Why don’t you go to an Omnipod trainer and give it a try? It’s a cautious algorithm. It’s not designed to keep your blood sugar flat after meals. The amount of insulin it gives you is based on what you input as your total daily dose and then it alters that slowly based on how much you actually end up taking.
Taking insulin involves the risk of hypoglycemia but I don’t think the Omnipod makes that risk especially high. When your blood sugar is dropping fast or low, it stops giving you insulin. Also, it’s not closed loop. You have to tell it how many carbs you’re eating and if you’re exercising.

Control-IQ is Tandem’s system with its own advantages and disadvantages but I don’t think that’s what your asking about since you mention the Omnipod.

In any of the options, it seems like basal testing is going to be your best friend.
You can do it on your own, just takes some patience and ability to fast for a while.

On any pump that you can program basal rates, you can adjust it to remain at a steady rate. If you aren’t eating it’s rather easy to figure out.
Do it for half a day, then another day fast the second part of the day.
Once you have that, down , you will be able to tackle bolus.
When my basal insulin is off, my boluses are insane. I need more insulin to bring down high and I tend to over correct.

On a pump or pod, the algorithm will only make tiny corrections. Which will keep you in tighter and tighter control. It’s not going to dump large doses and if you fall on the low end of normal, it shuts off flow.

No everyone likes pumps, but I find I really like it, and my sugar is well controlled usually in the 90-95% time in range.
On injections, I’m 75-80%

It sounds like you need to try something different.