I was taking metformin and was misdiagnosed as a Type 2 last time I posted here. After a few years of trying to control by sugars with diet and exercise, I'm now on insulin. After some research I REalized I'm a textbook LADA. My sugars were averaging 200's with daily exercise and a good diet. I feel better now that I'm on insulin. But I'm still getting used to the reality of constantly checking my sugar. Oh and I'm an uninsured professional dancer.
my doc told me I was a mix of type 1.5 and type two and then he rxed metformin and said come back on monday to see if I need insulin. he just said to test, but he didn't tell me when to do it! And he said they give metformin away for free at Stop and Shop!!
That only lasted for a day as it made my vomiting worse- I was already in dka and I ended up in the er/icu on monday in very bad shape. It has been a whirlwind of an introduction to D and I completely understand your feelings about this: D sucks! I would give anything not to be D. But what choice do I have?
As for the testing, I am very bad with needles etc. but I have started to adjust to this- I use the ultra one touch mini lancet with very fine lancet needles, a former diabetic educator at the hospital also told me never to use alcohol, just wash your hands with soap and or run them under warm water. The alcohol dries out your skin and causes calluses. I tried dexcomb- the sensors were too painful for me, but many people seem to love it and to be able to reduce testing with it.
that is great you feel better on insulin- and you have the correct diagnosis and treatment now. I have read online that some companies have programs to get free or low cost insulin and supplies for uninsured people, maybe try to post here and google and see what you can find out?
I hope this helps a bit :)
A great diabetes educator told me a long time ago that "Being diabetic is like being pregnant, either you are are you are not..." That really opened my eyes to how a lot of doctors and others try to downplay the need for proper control of this time and resource consuming disease. Any time I see a "cure Type 2 diabetes" commercial I want to slap that person who made it.
Anyway, glad you're doing much better. Taking insulin is definately a blessing and a curse. One of the side effects that always plagued me with insulin is that it makes you hungry, so maintaining my weight has been one of my hardest things as being a diabetic. Good luck with your control, you seem to be someone who'll do great with it.
welcome back Christy, as you probably know, our founder Manny is lada, so many here know about it. here's a blog from Melitta on tips for the newly dx'd lada
Thanks Ya'll! Scott--I wish I'd heard that years ago. I've spent many years in denial. Reality is starting to sink in with the insulin though. :-)
I'm pretty healthy otherwise, especially since I teach dance classes all week. So I've managed to maintain for a long time without insulin, without insurance and with a whole lot of denial. Once my sugars would go down I had to finally do something. I'll be scrambling a lot in the next few months to figure out the cheapest way to deal with my medication needs without insurance.
there might be something to help on this page
Thanks for your post! I can relate 100%! I was diagnosed 10 years ago at age 19. I was diagnosed type 2. When I was diagnosed I was about 20lbs overweight, but I was quite active. First we tried diet and excerise and that didnt' work so then the Dr put me on Metformin, didnt' take long to max out the dose. Then Glyburide was added and that didn't help. My sugar was always running 200-500 even with diet and excersise. Nobody ever suggested a C-peptide or GAD test. I just resigned myself to the fact that this was my new lot in life and this was how it was going to be. No control and always being sick and tired. Then at age 24 I got pregnant with my first, which I later miscarried. Then in Jan 2008 on my b-day I found out I was pregnant with my daughter. I went to a different OB this time and he sent me right away to my currant Diabetic Dr. She put me on Insulin that day! My sugars were under control within two weeks and I didn't even need much at all! I could actually eat a sandwhich for once! Within a month or so my A1C was 7%, when I delievered my daughter my A1C was 5.6%!!! I kept my control really tight for a couple years! When my daughter was around 2 I started creeping up again. I was all over highs lows, crashes etc... So my Dr suggested that I go on a pump. She finally did a C-peptide on me and it came back 0 however my GAD came back negative so she still considers me type 2. This was 8 years into the illness for me! I very much disagree with her and believe I am type 1. I am thinking of getting a second opinion because being labeled correctly could mean the difference between life and death and treatments! I am only on 25 units of Lantus because when I was up to 34 I crashed to 30 and had to go to the hospital! I am up and down, I am on what I like to call the Diabeitc rollarcoaster! I don't like rollarcoasters! Anyway my insurance will not pay for me to get on the pump, they say it isn't medically necessary for me to be on a pump. They see my high A1C and asume I am not trying, but what they do not know is a run 3 miles three times a week, walk the other days, play outside with my four year old, and eat three squares a day with one night time snack. I am not sitting around eating junk all day!!!! I am trying very hard to take care of myself and control my sugar but I can't get the control I need with shots anymore! I know I can get it with a pump! I just don't get how having no insulin production after only 8 years my dr is still refusing to change my diagnosis to type 1?? I have had the PA and other Dr. tell me that I am most likey a type 1 and that the GAD antibody will eventually disapear over time in a type 1. So who knows at this point what type I really am. All I know is I am in the same boat on the same river as a type 1, I will need Insulin thereapy for the rest of my life!
Oh I also take mealtime insulin as well. :)
I hear you on the Doctors not believing we are taking care of ourselves. I'm on a good diet most days and I work out regularly, but they never trust that. Oddly enough it was hard to get diagnosed at first Because I'm healthy looking.
I only take 20 units of Lantus right now and it seems to be working OK.
Christy, one thing I did not hear you say in your posts is that ole line "I feel like I failed since I am on insulin."
I just want to make sure we nip that thought in the bud right here and now.
No one who is on insulin has failed anything. I know how much better I felt when I started MDI. It does take an effort. I do know a lot of people who take insulin by the "guess and inject" method. That will also lead to many trips to the ER.
Test, test, test and then test some more. Do it as much as your insurance will pay for and/or you can afford. I just started humalog before meals a while back and I went from 4-5 times per day to 8-9 times per day. I was one of those T2's that just took my lantus in the AM and all was fine. Diabetes changes, however, and now I have to take the humalog to control the post meal highs. So for the first time in my life as a diabetic I have to learn to count carbs and bolus.
The learning never stops it seems.
Just hang in there Christy...YOU CAN DO IT!
You guys are awesome. I don't feel like I failed, but I am pissed off at my body. Of course, the older I get the more things are falling apart anyway. I'm trying to find a cheap source for test strips. It's interesting to hear from everyone that their diabetes changed over time.
Hi Christy, and welcome back. I am glad that you have a correct diagnosis and are getting treated correctly. Yes, diabetes sucks and it is especially bad when insurance is lacking. Marie B has given you some good resources. Use TuDiabetes to ask questions and get the support that you need!
Hi Christy,
I have been a type one diabetic since 1952, was a professional dancer for 40 years. Now I am 66, still go to some classes, choreograph when I have the opportunity, but wanted to point out that the only reason I didn't know it "sucked" was because with the diabetes was the only way I knew (know) it. It's doable and the exercise will put you in good stead. Yes, the diabetes has changed/is changing over time. The treatments and approach has changed too. I have Medicare now, but only had occasional insurance through the years when working under an Actor's Equity contract for long enough to "earn" insurance. Hopefully some of the outrage that the country should be exhibiting in regard to its third rate health care will be apparent in elections, although nobody is really talking about answers that will make living with any chronic disease practical. When I was first diagnosed, it would cost around $30.00 a month for meds and testing supplies. Now it is a couple hundred a month. I am sure that you have investigated the companies that make the drugs, they do have programs if you are financially qualified. Sanofi Company Novo Nordisk US
All this is just that it can be done, you can and will do it. Think of the odds against a human body ever being able to coordinate with music. You're just adding another complication, nothing compared to a developé.
Thanks Buddy! That was some great positive comments you sent my way. It lifted my spirits a bit. As someone who's spent my entire life training my body to perform the way I want it to, I find it very frustrating that I can't 'fix' or work through the diabetes thing. Most of my life has been wrapped around learning to control my body. So I'm really trying to learn what it is I need to do to physically and emotionally control my sugars.
The lack of insurance thing is daunting. But I am slowly find ways to deal with it. It's making me a big fan of eliminating health insurance for all but catastrophic needs. It's amazing how much prices become negotiable when you have start asking questions and searching for the best inexpensive care. Thanks again for the company links and speaking out as another diabetic dancer.
i am sorry. I would love to give away my life so that just one person like u would not have this continuous suffering. T1DM has taken away allot from me and only gave me back knowledge about food, diet and complications, its hard to smile. But i have no choice but to continue to go on. Hang in there with me to see how far can we go, Your friend