I think G6 is superior to G7. If anyone wants to try G7, I recommend getting only a one month supply to try it out. I help my brother and I think we got a bad batch. Two of the sensors only lasted 9 days. Two of the sensors just didn’ t work. There was a big disparity between G7 blood sugar reading and a meter’s blood sugar reading. Dexcom replaced those. I wasn’t able to insert one sensor. Dexcom wants me to send it to them. We didn’t have trouble with G6. I can’t wait to use G6 again.
Yes, G7 is an inferior product compared to G6. Unfortunately it wasn’t sexy like the freestyle.
Wow, thanks for the warning, you two.
While I have had a few bad sensors, I still feel that the G7 is better than the G6.
My problem with them is they give false low readings for the first few hours that cause my pump and phone alarms to keep me awake at nite and cause me to have to keep canceling the alarms. My meter readings will be over 100-175 and yet the G7 will be reading low 50s. My doctor who is type 1 says he starts the new sensor 6-12 hours ahead of the current one’s expiration on his Dexcom G7 app than starts it on his pump when the current sensor expires. This helps but than I think you lose 6-12 hours of your sensor’s 10 day life. I don’t remember having this problem with the G6?
I had this false low issue with one G7 sensor and I just struggled through it. If you report the false low sensor to Dexcom do they replace it? I’ll report the next one that I have.
If not, the sensor life is 10 days + 12 hour grace period. You just lose the grace period if you insert a new sensor exactly when the old sensor expires and then switch when the old sensor grace period ends.
If this false low issue continues and Dexcom isn’t replacing them, I’d ask my doctor for a prescription for 10 sensors every 90 days instead of 9.
Dexcom needs to add an additional 12 hour grace period to the beginning of the 10 days, i.e. not start the 10 day timer until the sensor is actually started.
Yes. Dexcom replaced the ones I reported, but I didn’t report all of them. My brother is back on G6 and it’s such a relief for him to have a functional cgm. That’s interesting that some people use two sensors at once. It seems like there would be transmission errors. I’m just relieved that G6 is an option.
G6 was rock solid for me. I definitely had issues with G7. Tipping point was when I had 2 sensors fail in a row.
Having said that, I’m on a new prescription refill of G7 sensors and they have been good with no failures.
My hope is Dexcom has been addressing issues behind the scenes. Time will tell.