Been awhile

Sorry it's been awhile but been busy. I had my check up last month and my A1C went from 11.4 to 5.5. Great news for me but the bad news is that my cholesterol is up. So needless to say my diet just got a little more bland. My numbers have stayed low enough to where i don't need to test as much but I STILL do test. Hope all of you are doing as well as I am. Feel as though I am stuck in a rutt in the exercise part though. I just have no real motivation to go to the gym or anyone willing to go with me or push me. I would take my wife but it just turns into a argument. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


I know the feeling Chris,I was going to the gym three times a week,then I fell off the wagon and like you have no motivation I don’t know your situation but you and your wife should try to support each other, I lost my wife a few years ago and I have to do it on my own,and wish she was here to bug me.Hope you get motivated and great job on your A1C.Jean