Bent cannula

We are using straight Insets from Animas with a Ping. The last two cannulas we’ve pulled off were bent about 10 or 20 degrees off 90. Not crimped or otherwise damaged, just angled. I presume this is part of the reason that my daughter’s sugars have been high recently; however, everything about the insertion and the feel of it were OK. What to do? How to handle this? Any advice is appreciated.

i get that pretty often using a cleo 90 infusion set also. i find it depends more on where i insert it. closer to the waistband, the more likely i am to NOT have it bent. but if my cannula/port is in a place more likely to get knocked around, like above my waistband, where it’s just my t-shirt usually covering it, the more problems i have with the cannula getting angled. i suspect that even with the IV300 and skin tac i am using that it maybe slides a little on my skin when i bump it.

It’s probably unrelated unless you can see an actual “kink” in the cannula… it’s more likely that she just needs more insulin and for whatever reason her pump settings haven’t been adjusted…

Sudden onslaught on tween girl hormones . . …

Actually, her sugars were a lot better with the insertion of a new site. There are just so many variable when something that has been going right starts to go wrong - fresh insulin? good site? insulin too hot? hormones? wrong carb calculation? exercise? exercise up to 6 hours before? and on and on

you are right…with all the things that MIGHT be wrong, it gets frustrating.
a few months ago, we had a bad box of infusion sets. i still don’t know exactly WHY they were bad, but they were.
we use contact-detach for the animas 2020 on my 3 yr old.
HOWEVER…it took 6 site changes over 2 days, a new bottle of insulin, shots instead of pump boluses to bring down his BG, ketones, exact food measurements and a constant eye on any activity my little dude engaged in…
FINALLY, our educator, who was at a loss of what to do next, too, suggested just opening a new box of infusion sets.
viola! 2 hours later we were in range and stayed there…well, until things got back to ‘normal’ and we were high,low and just right a zillion times a day :slight_smile:

Wow. How odd and unexpected.

Has anyone had a problem with access not sticking on skin?? We constantly have this problem before withdrawing the needle. I try to make sure the site is somewhat dry from the skin tac before accessing and it still doesn’t sktick well. Any suggestions??

we always cover the site with an IV300 clear dressing. it helps hold the site in and you’ve got less of a chance of it getting pulled out. i skin tac, wave it for about 45 seconds with a magazine or my hand and THEN insert the site.
then cover with the IV300…
hope that helps :slight_smile:

I use insets too. After insertion I inspect the needle. If its not straight you know the canula isnt in there straight…so I keep an eye on things the next few hours and decide to keep it or leave it from there. If its really bent, then of course I start new. But its very rare it is bent. And anything can happen when its in your body, specially if you play with the site area a lot.

As far as sticking I us skin prep and have good luck. But with my navigator thats a different story, and I use mastisol under it. Mastisol is like super glue or crazy glue for the skin. If you tried other suggestions and they dont work, you may want to give this a try. Can get a bottle pretty cheap off ebay. I usually pay 5-10 dollars for a 2 fl oz bottle and that lasts a while. The second best price for it is on american diabetes warehouse website…15 bucks. Most other sites charge 30 for the same size bottle.