37.5 weeks along…the last couple of days have been nothing but hypos.
I’m not in labor yet (was only 2 cm dilated at this weeks exam) ,sporadic Braxton
Hicks contractions. (plan to have a vaginal delivery) I am wondering if
anyone else noticed a sudden insulin sensitivity right before (few days prior?)labor began, I know
during labor things will change,very quickly. Just don’t have any other reason for why I’m suddenly
having all these lows. (not sick,too humongous to be active,& my vial of insulin is the same)
Yes, it's common to have lower BG toward the very end. All of my doctors had warned me about it, and I think it happened to me in week 37.
It's not a concern as long as your baby is being monitored frequently (so you know the drop isn't because of something wrong). My OB said that it's due to the placenta breaking down, but my perinatologist said he believes the baby just uses more glucose during the final stage.
I ate a lot of candy at the end there! Just be conservative about the insulin you give yourself and keep LOTS of low treatments with you. You'll make it! :)
I didn't go into labor (had a c-section at 38 weeks), but I experienced consistent drops in insulin needs from week 33 until the c-section. Can't wait to hear news from you!! You are so close!! :)
I have noticed this happening in the last week or so. I am currently 38 weeks along. Have discussed it with both my endo and perinatologist, and neither is worried. My endo explained that the baby is using more of my glucose, which is causing my blood sugars to drop. He just lowered my basal rates and encouraged me to keep my sugars slightly higher in these last couple of weeks to prevent hypos. Perinatologist was not worried, since my ultrasounds have all been showing a healthy placenta and good fluid levels. So I suppose as long as everything looks good with your placenta, you shouldn't worry about the lows. They're normal! :)