Blood sugar levels and appetite; meal times

Sorry, I continue to be full of questions… Here’s another couple:

1) Is there any relationship between higher blood sugar levels and lack of appetite? Or is that another one of those "depends on the individual" kinds of situations?

I am noticing that when my blood sugar levels are higher, before a sense of exhaustion comes on my appetite seems to decline, and I feel full. When the levels drop lower, my head clears and my hunger returns and I feel more inclined to eat when I'm supposed to.

2) Is it best to keep consistent in terms of eating at similar times of the day every day? Does that help control the levels better than say, deviating from work week schedules a little on weekends and vacations?

Just curious...

Let’s see?? LOL
1.) Yes for me when I am running high, I am not hungry.
2.) Being type1 I have found that can eat or not when I want.
I should also say my base is good as I can go over 12 hrs without eating and my bs stays pretty level.
I haven’t had any problems and my last a1c was 5.7

I’m type 1 too, but I have a lot to learn about eating. I’ve started myself off by using the gestational diabetes diet that I used to use because like most (all?) type 1s I was diagnosed when I was at a crisis point, but I see from much of the discussion here that there is a lot calculating and experimenting going on when it comes to food. I.e. one does not need to use a “set” diet… I guess I can get used to this (even though I hate the idea of having to do math just to eat safely, because I just don’t like doing math…!). But right now I’m a bit overwhelmed and it’s easier for me to resort to what I used to eat when I was pregnant as it works well even on shots… although it’s a boring way to eat.

Thanks much for the confirmation about running high and not being hungry. I know… many questions!

Yea the math sucks but it is pretty simple. Here’s what works for me a simple ratio. Now figuring out the ratio sucks, but you may have a head start. Let’s say you know that if you eat a sandwich (2 slices of bread) that’s about 44 grams of carbs. and if you use 3 units of Novolog that’s a ratio of 1 to 15. So try some other carbs and see how it goes. No use to be boring!!! Hold on I feel hot and funny I think I might be going low!!! Yep, I was at 44 and now I feel all shaky and like poop. lol I think I’ll go eat some complex carbs now so I can sleep.

I don’t feel like eating when BG is high. The opposite of lows when hunger can be intense.

Without being a slave to it, I’ve found it helpful to eat at pretty much the same times. Limiting as many variables as possible (because there are so many we can’t control) also helps control. Deviating on weekends & vacations is fine.

Oh no, hope you feel better! I guess I’ll attempt the math… or my NP will yell at me…!

Thanks – I don’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t deviate (or be deviant… ) sometimes!

Deviant is even better!

he he he… :wink: