Burning tingling feet

Okay, here’s my situation…

I’ve recently begun to get better control of my diet. I went on a Medically Supervised WL Program - I’d get 6 supplements (shakes, bars, soups) a day of 160 cal each. Two weeks in, I went over to the “partial fast” - 3 shakes/soups/bars and one meal of 550 calories. My sugars are doing GREAT on this plan. Better than ever. My last A1C was a 7.7, just before beginning this plan - in the past, I’ve been around an 8 - 9 or so, so that’s improvement.

In just the past 2 - 3 weeks, I’ve started having burning and tingling in my feet, on the soles of my feet and, ocasionally, a little bit into the toes. In the mornings, it’s worst, kinda a deep pain, as if I’d walked too far or worn bad shoes.

I’d suspect neuropathy (I have CTS, but never had any trouble with my feet before) - but it’s so odd that it’s happening just when I’m getting GOOD control! (Though I’ve had enough years of so-so control to warrant it, I know)

I’ve read recently about “insulin neuritis” - peripheral neuropathy pain that comes on when high blood sugars come down to normal levels quickly, then resolve themselves over a few months. I’m probably dreaming, but could this be what is going on here?

I’m going for CTS surgery next month - getting diagnosed and treated for that has been an expensive and exhausing journey for the past few months. My DH is supportive, but I don’t know how I’d hit him with MORE problems - he tends to think I’m overreacting and over cautious… Also, I have NO leave at work - I’ll be having surgery on unpaid medical, and really cant’ afford to start runnign to 8 different types of docs to get this diagnosed!

Anybody else go back and forth from feeling like a hypochondriac who is wasting time and money to feeling like you’re “in denial” and a ticking time bomb?

Heheh… I need therapy! but who has the time and money?

Anyone have any ideas?

I have neuropathy and most doctors make you feel that way, “it’s all in your head” Ignore them but not the problem and go with your gut instincts. Keep looking until you find a doctor who will diagnose the problem. It’ a shame and a pain in the butt. I hope for your sake it does go away as you get better control but if it is neuropathy it won’t go away.

Yep, up until about ten years ago i had one doc. Now I have 13 and will likely have a couple more before long. Here is the thing, you likely have neuropathy in your feet. There is not a surgical remedy for for it, but there are drug treatments. I hate to say it but Lyrica does work somewhat. Likely to be safe you will need to see a nurologist or your regular Endo can prescribe the Lyrica. It depends on them, but if you want to know for sure a nuerologist is likely needed, on the other hand if the Endo wil prescribe it or a similar drug skip the nuero and take the drug.

rick phillips

I’d think 7.7 a1c is still high enough to be getting neuropathy, and that is what it sounds like. That’s really not a number that indicates good control or normal levels, although it’s certainly lower than you had before.

Yes, I do know what you mean about going back and forth from feeling like a hypochondriac and feeling like a ticking time bomb!!

I was diagnosed with insulin neuritis after seeing 5 neurologists who gave me powerful pain pills but no guidance. I have been dealing with the pain for 5 years now. It has decreased but is still very uncomfortable. I was a late onset type 1 and my first a1c was 14. Intense pain set in once I was able to effectively bring the sugar levels down within good range. Other doctors have either never heard of insulin neuritis or roundly dismissed it altogether. This is very frustrating because it is like saying the pain I'm experiencing isn't real. It has been hard for me to get control of because there is so little information on it and I have had to try different medicines as a guinea pig. Getting my feet squeezed by a Brookstone foot massager is huge. Buy one for yourself please!! I currently take the max daily amount of gabapentin (1800mg) and supplement with 5-10mg of methadone when the pain is unbearable (3-5 times a month). Getting acupressure foot rubs and acupuncture treatments are something I have been doing lately and I have noticed extremely positive results. They aren't cheap, however, so try to get them covered by your insurance. I notice that wearing tight socks helps and comfortable shoes are an absolute must for me. I hope this advice helps, because it would have made the last few years of my life a lot easier had I known where and who to ask...

I was diagnosed one year ago. I worry. I was diagnosed with neuropathy. Diabetes runs in my family. My Dad died in December. He had heart trouble, kidney failure and had a leg amputated. That really scares me. He never felt the sore on his foot. I don't want this to be me. My Dad suffered so much! Since my diagnosis, I have inherited so many doctors and so many meds! I recently started taking Lyrica and it is helping. I don't get much info from my doctors on managing diabetes. Does anyone else feel this way? I feel like I'm on my own.

What you describe sounds exactly like what you think it is. I have PN and when I began to control my BG it became quite painful. Like "I want to die" painful.I could hardly walk. I could not tie my shoes or button a shirt. After a year of good control I am MUCH better. Not a lot the doctor can do. I keep my BG as close to normal as possible. I take 1200 units of r-ala per day along with fish oil. Pretty much everything else is for comfort and pain, but does not heal. From what I have learned about it it can take two years or more to completely reverse (or close to completely). If I feel this much better in a year I will be one excited man. The pain means the nerves are healing. I don't have constant pain any longer. It comes back from time to time, but I see improvement as soon as it leaves again. Keep working hard. It does get better. Oh yeah, I've been able to tie my shoes again since last August.

I'm glad you are doing better! Gives me hope. I need to lose weight and know I should exercise, but just walking hurts so much! I am taking metformin. Last A1C was 6.5. Randy, did you have numbness too? My finger tips have been numb for about a month. Debbie

I believe, just as Randy does, that when you normalize your blood sugar, you can heal from neuropathy. I have CTS, did all the physical therapy and eventually had to have surgery. I normalized my blood sugar but still have some finger numbness. I went way too long with my CTS before acting. I should have had the surgery earlier. The surgery (along with normalized blood sugfars) relieved almost all my CTS symptoms. I am much better, but I still have numbness in one finger and the damage may be permanent.

Yes, I still have numbness in both my feet and hands. But as I said it is much better. I can feel my feet inside my shoes now. About a year ago I had conductive tests. My doc thought it was mainly CTS. The tests showed only very minor CTS. At that point the pain was at its worst, but the CTS surgery would have been a waste. Funny thing is, the small shocks from the test made my hands feel better. From that point on things improved steadily. That was right about 6 months into good BG and taking r-ala. I had been so disabled and my vision was so bad that when I was DX'd I felt I had no choice but to be very aggressive in my control. I am very thankful that I have been able to keep my A1c at 5.5 for over a year now. I know that a lot of folks struggle much more than I do and can't seem to get their average where they want it. I usually test about 10 times per day and work very hard not to see anything over 140. I do go above that sometimes, but not often. It takes a lot of focus, study and hard work, but you can do this. You can improve your situation, but it is not a quick process.

I had tests a couple months ago and have CTS mod. to severe in rt. hand and mod. in left hand. I'm considering surgery for the right hand. Randy, what is r-ala? I'm glad that your health is improving and appreciate your support.

Thanks Deb. R-ALA is Alpha Lipoic Acid. It is an amino acid that is already in you system. It is an amazing anti oxident and helps the nerves to heal. The R designation is the more natural version. You can buy ala cheaper, but the non R is not as effective. Do some research on it. There is a lot of info on the web. It is standaed fare for diabetic care in Europe. I found a lot of different dosage recommendations, but I started with 1200 units. I recently dropped to 1000. I found 200mg caps at Vitacost, but you can get 100mg caps at any supplement store. For me, there was a noticable affect from the first day. Both my PCP and retinologist approved of it, but niether brought it up to me.

Thank you Randy! I will do some research. I'm open to trying this.

I don't get any help from my doctors,I got help here on this site and follow experience and advice , doctors gave me high carb diet and low fat, I had very high BS, all was according doctor's diet, so I thought I was dying, nothing can be done. I was completely depressed and powerless untill I found this site and LC diet.

could you please help and say, how much of R-Ala I should take per day? 100mg,200mg? before meals ,once a day? I have no access to info. thank you

Here is what Dr Atkins says on p252 of "Dr Atkins' Vita-Nutrient Solution"...a direct quote of Dr Atkins in two paragraphs follows...

In the absence of any medical problems, a good daily lipoic acid dosage ranges from 100 to 300 mg. Take some B1, too, as a supporting nutrient. For conditions that require a full antioxidant response to overcome metabolic resistance to losing weight, I prescribe between 300 and 600 mg per day. As part of a program to treat diabetes, cancer, or AIDS, I use 600-900 mg.

Except for rare skin reactions, lipoic acid has no adverse effects and no drug interactions. The only possible medicinal consequence would be the need for diabetics to reduce their dependence on insulin or other antidiabetic drug under the guidance of a physician. But this, after all, should be one of your main objectives.

thanks a lot

important massage for me.thank you. can you please tell how much mg of R-ALA should help for pains? grateful for answer

600-900mg a day? it is a huge dose, you have no problems with liver after such a dose?