Okay, here’s my situation…
I’ve recently begun to get better control of my diet. I went on a Medically Supervised WL Program - I’d get 6 supplements (shakes, bars, soups) a day of 160 cal each. Two weeks in, I went over to the “partial fast” - 3 shakes/soups/bars and one meal of 550 calories. My sugars are doing GREAT on this plan. Better than ever. My last A1C was a 7.7, just before beginning this plan - in the past, I’ve been around an 8 - 9 or so, so that’s improvement.
In just the past 2 - 3 weeks, I’ve started having burning and tingling in my feet, on the soles of my feet and, ocasionally, a little bit into the toes. In the mornings, it’s worst, kinda a deep pain, as if I’d walked too far or worn bad shoes.
I’d suspect neuropathy (I have CTS, but never had any trouble with my feet before) - but it’s so odd that it’s happening just when I’m getting GOOD control! (Though I’ve had enough years of so-so control to warrant it, I know)
I’ve read recently about “insulin neuritis” - peripheral neuropathy pain that comes on when high blood sugars come down to normal levels quickly, then resolve themselves over a few months. I’m probably dreaming, but could this be what is going on here?
I’m going for CTS surgery next month - getting diagnosed and treated for that has been an expensive and exhausing journey for the past few months. My DH is supportive, but I don’t know how I’d hit him with MORE problems - he tends to think I’m overreacting and over cautious… Also, I have NO leave at work - I’ll be having surgery on unpaid medical, and really cant’ afford to start runnign to 8 different types of docs to get this diagnosed!
Anybody else go back and forth from feeling like a hypochondriac who is wasting time and money to feeling like you’re “in denial” and a ticking time bomb?
Heheh… I need therapy! but who has the time and money?
Anyone have any ideas?