Calling all Detroit/Metro Diabetics! MARCH GET TOGETHER

OK all you Detroit/Metro Diabetics. We're looking to expand our
"D GET TOGETHER's" We've had some small gatherings but want to expand and get some more people. So let me know what day in March is the best for you. We're thinking a Saturday morning might be the best for everyone. Maybe around 10 am. so it doesn't break up the day. I vote for March 17th but any date is good with me. If you have a different date, just post it and we will try and set it for the most convenient for the most people.
Let's get a good crowd together! It's very casual and we talk and share all kinds of interesting information. Whether your new to this whole thing or a veteran like me (36 years) there's so much we can learn.
We usually meet at Starbucks along the I-75 corridor at Crooks
but if there's enough interest we may have to move it to bigger headquarters!!