Chris Bishop suggested to me a great idea, so here it goes.
Anybody walking in the next weeks? If so and you are up for distributing 4x6 postcards among walk attendees, send me a message (manny at tudiabetes dot org) with your mailing address so we can get you at least 20-30 of them to distribute among the crowd.
Alternatively, there’s this flyer (which is also good to distribute at endocrinologist’s offices) which works just as well:
Hey this is a great idea! I did a walk last weekend. If I’d had some I’d have handed them out. Maybe next go around. I am going to try to print some of the fliers off and see if I can’t hand them out to some fellow diabetics that I know. I’m just glad this site is going so well. It has been a God-send. Thanks!
Andreina found a very affordable place online where were able to print 5000 postcards to be given away. If anyone wants TuDiabetes cards to help promote the site, send me a message at manny at tudiabetes dot org with your full name and mailing address, and let me know approx. how many you’d be able to distribute.
I have you on my list to send cards to. Will get them in the mail Monday firs thing if I can’t tomorrow.