Hello everyone! I am thinking of starting a JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes in my community. I am wondering if any of you have done this and what do you suggest. Thanks!!

I have and it was one of the most inspirational events I have attended since being diagnosed. The one I attend is through my local JDRF chapter. It is held once a year in November. I think you should contact the JDRF nearest you and see if you can coordinate with them.

I did one and it was interesting however the spectacle of ball pits and rock bands and all that made me think there was a lot of organizational overhead behind the one I did? It was pretty huge.

The same with the one I did. There were over 15.000 people walking around Dodger Stadium.

This prompted me to look up the JDRF address, which is 26 Broadway, in NYC. That must cost them some $$ or represent an "opportunity cost" if somebody left it to them, as they could probably sell it for enough to fund some serious studies? Does an organization get more donations if they are in walking distance of Wall St.? Or perhaps it's important for the head of the organization to project that they are important via their expensive real estate?

I was diagnosed in '92 and went to my first walk in '93. I have walked every year since then :) About 7 years ago I joined the Logistics Committee to help plan the walk and the last 4 years I have co-chaired the Dallas walk. :) It is very fun and fulfilling - you'll love it! It's an awesome event. Let me know if I can help in any way!


Just ask JDRF...this email address will get you started.


I participate in some of the cycling events, my son rides and runs in JDRF, ADA, MS and MD events.

Awesome! My family walks in the JDRF walk in Ft Worth they walk for my daughter. Do you have ideas as to what to have at the walk? I am going to talk to the local clinic for pre-diabetic testing but not sure as to what else to have. Spokane has a few things like face painting for the kids, lunch at the end of the walk, and a DJ. I am also going to enter for a Passion Project with my employer since they will donate $250-1000 which would help cover some cost. Any ideas would be helpful! Thanks!