When I remove my sensor, looking at that thin and flimsy wire, I’d be very surprised if it could be re-inserted into the skin.
Let us know how it goes!
When I remove my sensor, looking at that thin and flimsy wire, I’d be very surprised if it could be re-inserted into the skin.
Let us know how it goes!
Another thought that was not brought up is that the G6 transmitter is quite a bit thinner than the G5 transmitter, so I think in pre G6 days, it was far more common to hear about Sensors/Transmitters getting caught on something and knocked off the skin.
Wow can’t imagine how you would get the cannula inserted by just pushing into your skin. I would think you need the spring action to do that. I’m lucky I have no problems with adhesive. I put skin Tac on it before I stick it on. Used to extend my sensors and adhesive would last for 20 days.
Instead of opsite, you may want to get Dexcom Overpatches. Just Google Dexcom Overpatch and then follow the link to get to the form. You can submit it online. They will send a pack of 10. When you get down to 3 left, you can request again. They are free. I have not had any irritation with them. If you get irritated from Dexcom sensor adhesion, this may not help. Sorry you are having trouble.
Good luck with getting the sensor wire back under the skin. As for securing a sensor, I use the over patch provided FREE by Dexcom. And because I do a lot of swimming I also use Tagdem patch over the whole thing
Thank you, someone else told me that and I am going to ask dexcom about it, I do not hold out hope that I will have better success with that however.
I have been having the best success with changing the sensor every 10 days and then not putting anything over it and most of the time it was OK and did not fall off although that’s happened a couple of times or it get knocked off as happened here.
Right now I have a huge inflamed gigantic patch right next to where my Dexcom is I’m going to post a picture of it to see show you what I go through with the stuff I have had to use the strong steroid foam. fortunately the itching has reduced a little bit but it’s still itchy under the sensor.
I’m not sure if this is totally related to the dexcom, but this is the first time I’ve ever put the opsite over a G6 sensor. And it is itching under the sensor as well.
I probably will not be doing that now due to the severe irritation I am having with just the opsite. However need may necessitate it eventually. For now I have found out that after all of the mis information I was given by numerous people at my new pharmacy, it is actually going to be cheaper to get the sensors with them because I’m going to get a 90 day supply which is going to be about three dollars cheaper per sensor. The transmitter I will be getting through a dmecompany that my insurance deals with, they will not deal with the one I have been getting everything from for eight years anymore now for some reason. Prolly not getting enough money st either end. But get this, I am still getting my pump supplies from them for now
Unfortunately one of the companies I contacted and asked about pricing and told them don’t do anything until I decide which company already contacted my doctor and now they’re trying to ship me out sensors which were billed incorrectly under DME. So I am on the phone making sure that they’re going to try to not have it delivered and then will give me a label to ship it back. Their pharmacy department actually told me that it was going to be cheaper with Express Scripts and he was right! So after weeks of stress from this due to people not knowing what they are doing it seems like it’s all going to work out but who knows what the future may bring.
I should be getting paid for the hours of my time I have had to spend working on this nonsense. Not to mention the unbearable stress which I already have more than have enough of.
I am so sorry. It looks like you are allergic to the adhesive. Do you react this way to other adhesive products? I looked over your previous posts and I may have missed it, but do you have an insulin pump? If so, do you react to the adhesion on the insertion sets?
Yes I am using a pump too, tslim x2.
I react to a lot of things- Sometimes I could be OK for a while and then all of a sudden I develop a sensitivity. I don’t usually react to the actual inset cannula but I had to switch to the steel cannulas due to reaction to the plastic ones.
however I can sometimes have very bad irritations with those usually though it is on the part where the tubing is attached to which is so strange. And this does not happen every time it’s really strange but obviously I have huge sensitivities to various things it just doesn’t seem to happen every single time. Sometimes just the pressure on my skin can cause terrible reaction and to the point that a dermatologist thought that I have dermatographia. The difference being that with me it doesn’t go away rapidly it could develop into a full-blown thing that takes a long time to resolve.
I also can have severe pain from the insets and sometimes from the Dexcom too. once the pain on my back from an inset was so bad I was screaming and had to get my brother to rip it off of me, lol. My skin was bright red there after that- I never figured out what caused it. But it is not uncommon for me to have a lot of pain with the insets- if my blood sugar is good I just try to tolerate it because sometimes it gets better or try not to move in the way that aggravates it. And then I feel like when I take them out I’m so relieved because I’m not in pain anymore.
Have you seen an allergist?
Yes and they were useless, a few of them. One of the things both they and my dermatologist told me was they think I have eczema of some sort, however it’s not over a large enough part of my body supposedly for me to qualify for any of those newer drugs they use now. I can only use the steroid foams and ointments.
I don’t know why because it’s all over my body in various areas. I often get a huge rash on my neck in the fall with big itchy bumps that take forever to resolve. And I often wake up or find after going for a walk outside I have hives all over me in one area like my leg. When I walk in the winter or cooler weather at night I cannot cover my neck/ chest area because it starts itching like crazy and the rash develops- so strange.
The Allergist, last one, said that I could get some injections that might help what he thought it was, I can’t remember what he called it now, however they were dangerous and he said he didn’t think I was at the point yet where I should even think about risking that even though this does cause a lot of discomfort and issues.
Sometimes it disappears rapidly and I remember once going to the dermatologist and showing him one of the bad irritations I had near the opsite- I had already been putting clobetasol foam on it for 2 to 3 days and he told me: it doesn’t look that bad!!! It was still tremendously itchy to and he just dismissed it.
So I can have huge swelling and severe itching and they don’t care. So now what I do is I take a photograph of it as soon as it happens- the problem is it often does not look as bad in the photograph as it does in real life so by the time I get to them they can’t seem to comprehend that this is really something severe going on.
I actually had an ENT tell me I had no sinus infection when I’de been having green mucus and blood coming out of my nose coughed up in my throat mostly for several weeks a few years ago. So I took a photograph of it every day that it happened and I sent it to the office by email- well you know what happened… nobody ever looked at it and they never responded to me. These people just don’t care.
They used to be a good practice but now they have become a scam that tries to overcharge you for hearing aids. They had us a signed up for a $5000 hearing aid for my father which had no coverage. I had put a down payment on it and then I found out I can get the same thing much cheaper at Costco so I canceled it but I had to have several phone calls with the office manager to get refunded for the down payment. I told her that I felt pressured at the time to immediately do that which was true the woman who was supposedly medically trained was really pressuring me into getting the most expensive hearing aids without really explaining what we were going to get for that if it was going to include appointments and things like that. And she made derogatory statements about trying to save money on other choices.
I read some of the pie reviews after that and there were numerous reviews about being scammed for hearing aids. This is what is happening to all of the doctors offices now they are getting taken over by huge conglomerates and the standard of care which already had problems it’s degrading tremendously to the point that they are just out for the money most of them with scams like the hearing aids.
You are living a nightmare. I am a retired pediatric pulmonologist so I have interacted with different types of physicians over the years and have worked with allergists/immunologists closely. Now that I am a patient myself, I see many physicians— internist, endocrinologist, rheumatologist, dermatologist, optometrist/ophthalmologist, etc. I don’t know what you have, but I suspect you have either an autoimmune or other disorder that may explain your symptoms. Besides your skin, do you have other symptoms?
Has anyone discussed mast cell disorders with you? You could be having flare ups that are causing the reactions and it may not have anything to do with the adhesive itself. A spider bite could definitely cause a flare up. I’m allergic to ants and if one gets on me I will get a rash where it touched me but if it bites me my whole face will swell up and the itching OMG it’s bad.
Yes I have a lot of other symptoms, I am not sure which could be related to this issue. When I was first getting type one i had multiple symptoms, it seemed it was a systemic issue, first my eyes and bladder etc flared, when I ate tomatoes and other foods my whole body reacted. My dry eye and eye inflammation became so severe I wanted to just stay inside with a humidifier. I had to wear moisture goggles to sleep and motorcycle goggles to go out anywhere. I was treated by a dry eye specialist for what he thought was ocular rosacea with steroid drops and moisture drops. I was having severe yeast infections due to the bg, but gyn did not figure it out. Had numerous testing for ic etc.
Then type one came on fast with weight loss etc. and dka, and I was lucky to survive. No one diagnosed me even when I was in early dka and clinical tests and symptoms proved it.
Later I went to a new eye doc with damage from dka, my eyes had improved a bit on insulin but got worse again and they put me on restasis which helps a lot. They said they believe the dry eye is autoimmune and that would help which it did, a lot.
He was worried I was getting damage from the dryness, I was waking up multiple times with dry eye balls.
The last allergist also thought the rashes etc. were auto immune related but gave no clear diagnosis although he called it something.
I am flaring up again in the bladder area again badly but starting low dose topical estrogen has helped again.
I had weird rashes on and off for years that sometimes seemed food related. I had a terrible rash with itchy bumps on my thighs for an entire summer once in very hot weather which no one figured out. I had to sleep in ac, I can’t remember what the treatment was, steroids and ointments I think.
I have always had very sensitive skin, starting as a child, allergic to wool…I would react with severe chafing and redness on my face walking in the cold weather sometimes and had to put petrolatum on my face when it happened.
I can’t remember if doctors did now, someone here did, maybe you, lol. I have thought about it. The thing is I often get the itching directly at the site or under something like opsite, so I think that can cause it too. Do you have mast cell and what do you do? I am very sensitive to antihistamines and can only Benadryl and only if I have bad systemic itching.
I think now this is not a spide bite though because I can’t see a wound area, but who knows for sure. I had a bad reaction to a wasp bite after having covid I think.
My father also had terrible reactions to tapes adhesives and such, and terrible systemic itching and rashes as he got older and then so severe from covid damage and from the wound vac etc. and dressings for his pressure sore. We both have/ had hashimotos too.
That is terrible you are suffering with that. How do you treat it? This time the it was really bad and then I used the foam and it subsided a lot, but the rash is still bad and it is still itchy under dex etc and sometimes at the rash also. Right now my whole body is itching and my legs, it often happens at this time. Sometimes I can’t sleep because of it and eating can help, so weird. It just keeps floating around as I scratch it.
All of that sounds horrible. I cannot link it together. How old are you? Do you live near any big specialty centers like Mayo Clinic?
Ask your doctor if you have been checked for Sjogren’s Syndrome.
I also had weird symptoms at the time of diagnosis.
I had the most severe eczema on my scalp. I didn’t understand it at the time. My scalp was bright red and skin cracked open.
I tried dandruff shampoo but it didn’t help. A week later I noticed symptoms of type1.
The eczema comes back once in a while but never like that.
It’s common for people w type1 to have other auto immune diseases. Those are the only 2 I have, but I also have some allergies like shellfish and tree pollen.
Well the only thing that has helped me stop getting allergic reactions to ants is not getting them on me in the first place… Probably not helpful in this case. If I do get one on me I will use topical anti itch ointments but they don’t either make it go away or provide lasting relief. I don’t have a mast cell disorder but I researched them a lot because I was dealing with a bunch of symptoms that had all popped up at the same time.
But the more info you give on here it really seems that you have something going on and mast cell disorders cover a pretty broad range of stuff. Of, course it could be auto immune too and the only autoimmune condition I have experience with is diabetes. Have you been tested for crohns?
No, not near there and I am weary of a gazillion tests which show nothing mostly. I feel older, and am now, lol, that is all I will say here as Idon’t want my personal info out there. I just wish this would all go away. What if I had my choice to be rid of anything would be type one for sure, or any type of diabetes.