Can we have a type 1.5 forum please?

Lets not arguing too much on types again guys! :slight_smile: We are all diabetic here. I respond to posts in the Type 1 forum by accident sometimes and I will often see people posting stuff under “General Diabetes” that should go in the Food section or the Games section.

But I do agree that the “Categories” and “Forum” sections are set up queerly. I remember when I first joined that I could NOT find how to put a post under the Exercise or Food, Diet categories because they don’t show up under the main Forum Dropdown tab. You have to clikc on the main forum tab and than change that Categories drop down menu to find those forum.

I agree that part is NOT set up very nicely and as an ex-programmer that kind of bothers me. Also because I think people would utilize those categories more if they knew where to find them. Otherwise, people stick everything under “General Diabetes” that doesn’t seem to have a category (even though it doesn’t but you can’t find it!)

I would like some programming changes to this site too - some of you might remember that I crabbed about security a month or so back. I want some more privacy options for the blogs and profiles.

Anyhow, I don’t think anyone posted this yet but here is the direct link to the Type 1.5 (or LADA) Category Forum on here:

In order to get there, you have to go to the Main Discussion page and than on your right had side a bit down will be a dropdown box called “View”. Change it to “Categories”. When new page refreshes, scroll down and you will see all those extra Categories that we don’t auto matically see when we log in here. Took me weeks to find these things. :slight_smile:

Well said Liz

This may be a very old question, beating a dead horse, but I’m still new to TuDiabetes. I noticed that there is no ICD9 codes for type 1.5, and any other health site like EverydayHealth which has a diabetic doctor regularly answering questions, won’t use the term 1.5 or even describe a condition in which Type I has a slower onset. It is worrisome that the medical community isn’t going to look for Type I if convinced you’re a Type II. And it’s not limited to just diabetes. I learned that clot busters for strokes are frequently unavailable and the ER staff may even say “never heard of it.” How does this happen? Docs not keeping up with research or research not clarifying the situation(s)?

The reason there is no ICD9 for 1.5 is that1.5 really isn’t a clincal classification. 1.5 is autoimmune diabetes identical to type 1. SO the ICD9 for Type 1 would be used. The 1.5 distinction only really explains the slower onset of the same disease.

I see the reason there is no code for LADA (I don’t care for the 1.5 term as it implies we are halfway between type 1 and 2 which we are not) not being that there is no need for it. LADA, while of course a subset of Type 1, presents differently and it needs to be described and named so that it is recognized and correctly diagnosed. If the perceived characteristic of all type 1’s is that they are children or adolescents and present in DKA than those of us like me who were diagnosed at age 58, not in DKA, and who manage for months or even years on oral meds, will not be recognized. I believe there is no official designation of LADA because the nature of the medical community, especially in the U.S. is that it is very slow to change and to adopt new information and diagnoses. LADA has been known about for years. But most of us are not correctly diagnosed. Many medical professionals have long recognized that there are diabetics who don’t fit the traditional profile and that their are adult slow onset type 1’s, but they cannot use the term “LADA” because it doesn’t yet exist to the powers that be.

If LADA were truly identical to T1D, then you probably wouldn’t care that there are no separate resources, you would feel comfortable simply as a type 1. Your symptoms may be identical now to any other T1D, but were they when you were first diagnosed? If I say “I’m a type 1” for simplicity sake and someone cares, they say, “how old were you when diagnosed” My answer (58) would bring on new questions. Or if I explain that the first 1 year + after diagnosis I took oral meds only and had perfect blood sugars. Calling myself a type 1 and saying that would get odd looks.

Hi Paul,
Any suggestions you may have about ways to improve the site’s usability and setup are more than welcome. Don’t hesitate to email me at manny AT diabeteshf . org.

Take care,

I have made the following changes to the navigation.

  1. Added a “Type 1.5 (LADA)” option under Forum dropdown.
  2. Added a “More categories…” option on the same dropdown.
  3. Did the same thing as (2) for Groups, adding a “More groups…” option.

Thanks for the feedback!

Zoe, I’m with you on the 1.5 term. I am fine with LADA because it is simply distinguishes it from Juvenile diabetes with that distinction being age of onset. The 1.5 makes people think it’s other than Type 1 and that can lead to a lot of confusion, I cannot tell you how many people have told me they honestly thought that a Tyoe 2 that goes onto insulin is a Type 1. So many people do not understand that type 1 (including LADA) is an autoimmune disease.

Yes, many thanks Manny!!