Can't seem to get my levels to normal

Dear Mark.

Bad news. Your are probably the worst combo in diabetes. Your pancreas may well be approaching totally dead so that makes you the worst case of type 1 and you are insulin resistant. how much is unknown since your BG are out of the universe and you are not taking insulin at the present.

Get a fast acting insulin to cover meals and a basal slow one to cover in between meals IMMEDIATELY.

You can keep taking the meformin as it is supposed to help with insulin resistance and can be safely taken with insulin. The byetta is not available in Canada so I have no idea.

You must loose an enormous amount of weight. a 1200 calories diet per day or hospitalization. or thrown into a dungeon or what ever it takes.

Your are in danger of diabetic ketoacidosis DKA in the near future as soon as your pancreas dies completely. This is a very serious condition than needs ER fast. Once you start injecting insulin the problem will most likely not occur. BG over 400 go to ER and make sure it is not happening.

Sorry to sound so panicked but this can be deadly or a best extremely debilitating in the future if nothing is done. Also the outside insulin may help your own pancreas revive quite a bit. This is a very desirable event. Once your pancreas dies completely and you are still insulin resistance you have uncontrollable diabetes. Your worst nightmare.

We’re all here to help each other. It is a stupid, all encompassing, frustrating, aggravating, scary disease, to say the least. BUT, we can be in control of it.

I almost died from diabetes because I didn’t know I had it. Found out when I woke up in ICU at the hospital with 809 BG. After the shock & the tears, I was thankful to be alive & decided I wanted to live a lot longer not matter what it took. Giving up certain food, getting my butt moving seemed a small price to pay. When I get depressed & start feeling sorry for myself (don’t we all!), I just remember how grateful I felt in the hospital.

If you’re near an Aquatic Center, water exercise (water aerobics, swimming, just walking in the water) is also good…and easy on the joints.

Well, since you’re obviously a man of humor, and maybe one who enjoys dark humor as well…I did read someone’s comment once that there is a certain point, after we die, when we all reach our goal weight! :-/ Don’t think we want to wait for that one to kick in!

Well Hello everyone! I’m back. I have a big question since I now have a new beginning with all my friends! Another try at a fresh start.
Since yesterday I have watched what I ate. and through last night. have taken my meds and Byetta and done exactly what Im supposed to do. Well I wanted to start testing faithfully again.
I checked this morning and I was at 295 , A hour later 380 and before I came to work at 1:30 back to 295
I just checked a min ago and 308. Now the reason Im saying all this is I havent been testing the last month but I have been taking my meds almost 100% maybe miss a byetts shot sometimes. Yes I have been slacking. But shouldn’t my levels be down already? Or will it take a while to get levels back by eating right.
Or is it it possible that meds arent working anymore and I’m a Type 1 now? Remember my doctor hasnt done any tests on me. The medicine in the beginning helped bring my 400 numbers down to 180 to 250 for a while but never down to 100…Never
So what should I do. new doctor who will check me out and start over and really see where I stand?
Tell my exsisting doctor to do it?
Or wait a few days and see if I can get back on track?

Are these numbers SERIOUS!

Hey Mark. As for your question if you are T1, no you are still T2. T1 is when your pancreas does nothing at all. And usually diagnosed as a child. Try to get in some excercise it really helps. I need to tell myself this to by the way.LOL I take byetta glyburide and novolog and 180 units of Lantus. That’s a lot. I maxed out metformin and they took me off of it, it did not work for me. I am going hiking to get my excercise in and I really enjoy it. They are going to put me on a pump to get my sugar levels where they should be. I am insulin resistant and been running between 300-500 so I know it is frustrating. It takes a lot of effort and good communication with the right Dr. to get where you need to be. Thank goodness I have a good Dr. and he is adjusting and sending me to an endo to. Good luck and really communicate with your Dr.

So it could be a few different things. My medication might not be the right comBo or do I have to start
Insulin? If I start taking insulin will I be able to get my numbers down to 100 or not?
I dont know if I want the doctor to keep trial and error with meds? Or should I try all that 1st Is it that important
to do everything i can to stay away from insulin?
Mmmmmmmmmm I know I should be asking my doctor about all this but I appreciate getting some suggestions here first.



Find a new doctor, quickly. You need the blood work done. Your doctor should have done something for this. I have found with me it takes 3 weeks minimum for meds to kick in and bring my BG levels down and you are way past that.

Change your diet! Watch the carbs,this and the excercise will help tremendously. I think the diet is going to make the biggest initial drop in your BG.

Have you been to any education classes or seen a nutritionist? Will you insurance provide these for you? I think you need to be better educated about what this desease can do to you if it is not controlled and you are in the position right now to take control. If you do not you will be sorry. Yes, more doom and gloom but…I hope you read Lois’ story, I have two more for you if you want. They’re not pretty,

hoping things turn around for you…

Well I will be making the appointment! I am going to try a find a doctor who is really good with this disease and will help me. I have gotton all the info on what I can eat and I have been to a nutritionist. I have not been following the rules. I really am seeing the seriousness of this Sugar thing! The more I hear about the bad things the stronger my will seems to get. I just finish some broccoli (Choppin Broccoli! a Broccolay!) Remember Dana carvey song skit hahaha) with a bit stir fry sauce. Not bad. So whatch out new doctor! Here I come! LOL

You won’t know what type you are until you’ve got your test results.

With due respect to Cathy, many people are diagnosed Type 1 as adults. I’m one & there are many others here as well. Check out the LADA posts.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking insulin. Many Type 2s have had great success using insulin to control BG. It also protects your beta cells from further burn out. Unlike oral meds & Byetta, there aren’t side effects. Type 2s tend to need less insulin.

The most critical thing is to get those numbers down, whatever it takes. Exercise, lower your carb intake & the right treatment. From what you’ve said, Byetta & oral meds aren’t helping you. You’ve taken large doses & still have very high numbers. I wouldn’t mess around experimenting.

Yes, you can get your numbers down using insulin. Like the rest of us on insulin, you have match doses to carbs & it takes trial & error. This means you have to learn to count carbs (which is no big deal) & you can’t eat whatever you want in the quantities you want.

From my experience with doctors, you have to be firm with what you want & what your goals are. It’s your body. If your doc isn’t in accord, find another.

Keep testing, write down all your numbers to show your doctor. Also write down what you’re eating & the carb count. It’s easier to start cutting down once you know how much you’re really eating.

Thank you!
I am sure glad I found this website!
I will be back here Monday night and let you know how its going!
I may be a bit cranky for a while! hahahaha Im used to those lovely carbs!

Or should I say Devilish Carbs!

Glad you found us, too!

Samantha’s right about finding a new doctor.

Am going to make you a promise as a former carb junkie. Once you stop eating so many, the carb cravings go away. I swear this is true. Also swear that the high BG is a prescription for worse crankiness. Eat lean protein, sufficient good fats (lots of posts here on that topic) & you won’t be hungry.

way to go. keep us posted.

I too am on the hunt for a doctor, so far I have not been that lucky (I am only 3 months in) Hopefully the next one will be the one. I have gotten my numbers down just don’t want to be on the type of meds I am taking. I’m not sure I like what they are doing to me. I am one of those that would prefer insulin instead of pancreas burn-out meds.

Well, It’s another week and I have an appointment with a new doctor who wants to check me out
do all the blood work etc… I will shoot em with straight answers to whats been going on with
my still too high of numbers. I have noticed a nice decrease in numbers since the healthier eating has started again but they just will not get down to where they should be. Still over 200 to 300
I have a good feeling something will get done for me and I can start controling myself.

Yay! Happy to hear about new doctor (endo?) & decrease in numbers.

When’s your appt?

Thursday at Noon! Weeeee!
They’ll probably go man…Your sick!

You think they’ll want to get it down right away? Or will they just Hee Haw around?
I like Hee Haw and everything but just the show! (Just call BR549)

That’s great! Woo-hoo! This doc an endo?

No, no. They’ll say you were not so healthy, but now you will be!