Anyone else ever assume that because you've been doing this so long, you are always right about carbs, and then double check only to find out you were actually pretty wrong?
Oh, yes! I remember a few years ago, I finally thought to track down the amount of carbs in a common Chinese food dish I liked to eat. I knew Chinese food always threw my blood sugars for a loop, but I didn't realize that half of that was because I was guesstimating about 40g of carbs too few!!
Oh my gosh, Chinese food is the worst! I feel like I should always add at least 30 to whatever I think it is! So many sneaky carbs in those sauces...
Yes, 9 times out of 10 I'm sure it's the sneaky carbs in the sauces. Argh.
I have to swear off even 1/4 cup of fried rice....I couldn't believe the # of carbs and then what it did to my bg's. Darn, and I love fried rice!