Just came home from my Cardiologist Appointment. Much to my surprise he told me that I should NOT be on statins right now because, according to my exams I show NO signs or traces of build up in my arteries and my Cholesterol levels are good. Hmmm....wonder what my other doctors will say now.
On a sad note though, seconds before going in to see him I checked my Face Book page and read that my very dear friend passed away within the last hour. I was all choked up and it was very hard for me not to cry during this appointment. I kept telling myself to hold it together you can get though this. I had a hard time concentrating on my appointment and I forgot all of the questions I had for the doctor.
Sorry for the rant....I don't expect anyone to reply, I'm just so upset and for some reason getting on TuD and typing in my feelings help. Guess this makes TuD my Psychiatrist????
Maybe you can drop off a list of your questions and ask him to get back to you? My cardiologist also told me the same thing, he said my cholesterol panel and no plaque in my ateries tell him statins aren't necessary. He does want me to start losartin to prevent kidney damage though, which I'm going to do now, as he says there is clinical evidence that it can do this for people with D.
TuD at one time or another is all of our psychiatrist (minus the meds of course)! I'm very sorry to hear about your friend. I've lost way too many people throughout my life, some after long illness, some suddenly and it always sucks.
So sorry for your loss, Sportster. Those sudden losses of our loved ones are so very hard, I unfortunately know from recent experiences. I will continue to pray for you and your church family, that you will be comforted and supported in the loving arms of God's Holy Sprit. Give yourself time to grieve. You have a great cardiologist. I do not have one, and my endo suggested a statin, though I am in the same boat with you, with type 1 a great lipid panel for cholesterol, c-reactive protein, triglicerides, no inflammation at all.
Thus,I will not take the low dose statin he prescribed, as prior even low dosages of statins really made me feel awful.....