i went to profile page and also tried the preferences page. dont see a way to change password
The standard way (at least right now) is to log out, return to Tudiabetes.org, then click “Lost your password?” You will be emailed a link which brings you to a page to change your password. If that does not work you can email Mike Lawson (mike@diabeteshf.org) with your username and email and desired password and he will manually fix it.
i got a 503 backend error but I might add, I finally was able to create a new password
I too have that issue. I had some how manged to have gotten a black screen with various things on it that managed to have password changes. I did that finally. But still do not see anything in either profile or preferences to change passwords, email addresses or what have you except for background pictures or your avatar. What gives? I had clicked the link of lost password and would get a response about something being emailed back to me. Ah, nothing ever got emailed back to me. Only way I’ve been able to change the password was by accident. Will try to back track if possible to see where and how I was able to do so. If I’m able to find I’ll post what I had done. Was on way to doctor’s offfice and did it right before leaving so don’t remember.
Had to tell forgot password. Waited and waited. No email. So went back and kept typing previous password. Go the following screen
Fixed new password. then got out by clicking on the Tudiabetes part. Went back to my prefereances and still not able to do anything in there. The options of updating anything to your account at all is unavailable. Also, I’m actually not able to even get to my own page until I played around, got to the FAQ or some place and was able to see my avatar. On main page there isn’t anyway that I could find to get onto your own page. What gives with this???
@Georgia_boy we are getting reports that changing your password in this way doesn’t work, please email Mike Lawson and he will fix you right up.
I ended using Twitter to get help. I used the password reset function at least half a dozen times but never received an email. @mrmikelawson was able to help me.
Adding a link to a new discussion topic which @Brian_bsc created this AM which outlines the “current process to reset passwords”.